I am a supporter of open teaching as a means to ensure that education is fully accessible to everyone interested, to provide equal opportunities for learning. For this reason, since 2012 I decided to make the recordings of my lectures available on my YouTube channel" and - from 2015 - I decided to create tutorial documents according to a CC license, in order to be able to freely share them on the Web. It requires some efforts, as figures and text have to be re-created. However, this additional effort is undoubtedly beneficial for my own comprehension of the subject and therefore the quality of teaching.
Moreover, I decided to write these tutorials in the form of web pages, in order to be able to share them more effectively, to make their continuous update easier and to make a more effective use of the information available on the web through links. You may learn more of my above commitment in my opinion post Towards a new form of academic learning
The result of my work so far is presented in the collection of lectures below, subdivided by topic. Some of the lectures appear in the list below more than once. Some of them are in Italian, most of them are in English. These are evolving documents. It may happen that yo find broken links. Moreover, please note that I am still giving priority to quick production of an extended amount of information, therefore giving less priority to getting the material carefully checked and reviewed. The language may not be the best, and you may find mistakes. I hope in your indulgence, but please do let me know if you find any inconsistency. Let me also know any disagreement you may have and please do not hesitate to give suggestions to improve the presentation.
You may reuse the work in any form you wish, but I appreciate a citation to the source and I appreciate an email to me to inform me where the material has been re-used.
Thanks a lot for your interest!
River training (in Italian)
- River basin and river stream management - Premise (in Italian)
- Esercizio interattivo - Elementi caratteristici di una conoide alpina
- Richiami di meccanica dei fluidi
- Progettazione delle traverse fluviali fisse
- Esercizio interattivo - Elementi caratteristici di una traversa fluviale
- Progettazione delle scale di risalita per pesci
- Misura dei dati idrologici
- Stima delle portate fluviali al colmo di piena
- Esercizio interattivo - Nomenclatura di un idrogramma di piena
- Tracciamento dei profili del pelo libero in condizioni di moto permanente
- Video interattivo - Profili del pelo libero e risalto idraulico al passaggio sopra una soglia di fondo
- Progettazione delle briglie fluviali di ritenuta
- Progettazione di misure di adattamento ai cambiamenti climatici
- Modelli idraulici in scala ridotta
Hydrology and water resources management (in English)
- Sustainability in the 21st century
- Sustainable management of water resources
- Rainfall-runoff modelling
- Probability theory and extreme river flow estimation
- Assessing water resources availability - Inductive methods
- Assessing water resources availability - Deductive methods
- Model calibration and validation
- Design of river barrages
- Climate change and water resources
- Assessment of human impact on water resources
- Decision theory
- Salt water intrusion
Climate change, water resources and human health (in English)
- Introduction to climate change
- What are sustainability and sustainable development?
- Sustainable management of water resources
- The Earth system
- Risk based adaptation design
- The climate change problem
- Climate models
- Climate change and water cycle
- Inductive and deductive estimation of climate change and climate impact
- Climate and energy
- Design of climate change adaptation actions
- Climate change impact on health
- Climate related diseases
Coastal and harbour engineering (in English)
- Coast management and beach design - Premise
- Mechanics of sea waves
- Wave transformation
- Beach hydrodynamics and morphodynamics
- Beach protection strategies and structures
- Sea wave and coastal monitoring
- Salt water intrusion
- Nature based solutions for coastal protection
- Port planning and environmental impact
- Forcing estimation for harbor design
- Computation of wind actions on a moored ship and computation of mooring forces.
- Harbour oscillations.
- Design of groins
- Stability of rock and concrete armour units
- Dredging in harbour basins
- Design of breakwaters
- Climate change