IAHS Peter Loucks Lecture - Florianopolis, November 6th, 2024 - "An impossibile dream: the deterministic hydrologic prediction
Lecture at the educational school "Lincei per il clima" organised by the National Academy of Italy (in Italian) - Genova March 15, 2022 - "Climate change and frequency/intensity of extreme hydrometeorological events. What solutions?"
Video of the lecture on YouTube
EGU Darcy Medal Lecture "Hydrology is important" - Vienna April 12, 2018
The powerpoint presentation of the lecture
The citation by Guenter Bloeschl
IAHS-WMO-UNESCO Dooge Medal Lecture "To change or not to change, that is the question" - Montreal July 12, 2019
The powerpoint presentation of the lecture
Presentation at the Distinguished Lectures Series - University of Saskatchewan "Seeking a Step Forward in Research and Education in Water Science" - Saskatoon October 5, 2016
The powerpoint presentation and the video of the lecture
Presentation at the National Academy - Accademia dei Lincei - "Idrologia del Fiume Po. Deflussi, antropizzazione ed eventi estremi" - Rome, March 22, 2012
Powerpoint presentation (in Italian)
Video of the lecture (in Italian)
Scientific paper in Hydrology and Earth System Sciences
Panta Rhei start up talk "Panta Rhei. The IAHS Scientific Decade 2013-2022" - Goteborg, July 25, 2013
Powerpoint presentation
Video of the talk
Scientific paper in Hydrological Sciences Journal