Scientific papers
Source: Web of Science
- Volpi, E., Grimaldi, S., Aghakouchak, A., Castellarin, A., Chebana, F., Papalexiou, S. M., … Sharma, A. (2024). The legacy of STAHY: milestones, achievements, challenges, and open problems in statistical hydrology. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 69(14), 1913–1949.
- Gallitelli, L., Girard, P., Andriolo, U., Roebroek, C., Liro, M., Suaria, G., ... & Scalici, M. (2024). Monitoring macroplastics in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems: Expert survey reveals visual and drone-based census as most effective techniques. Science of The Total Environment, 176528.
- Arheimer, B., Cudennec, C., Castellarin, A., Grimaldi, S., Heal, K. V., Lupton, C., ... & Xia, J. (2024). The IAHS Science for Solutions decade, with Hydrology Engaging Local People IN one Global world (HELPING). Hydrological sciences journal, 69(11), 1417-1435.
- Montanari, A., Merz, B., & Blöschl, G. (2024). HESS Opinions: The sword of Damocles of the impossible flood. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 28(12), 2603-2615.
- Bertola, M., Blöschl, G., Bohac, M., Borga, M., Castellarin, A., Chirico, G. B., ... & Zivkovic, N. (2023). Megafloods in Europe can be anticipated from observations in hydrologically similar catchments. Nature geoscience, 16(11), 982-988.
- Montanari, A., Nguyen, H., Rubinetti, S., Ceola, S., Galelli, S., Rubino, A., & Zanchettin, D. (2023). Why the 2022 Po River drought is the worst in the past two centuries. Science Advances, 9(32), eadg8304.
- Guo, R., & Montanari, A. (2023). Historical rainfall data in northern Italy predict larger meteorological drought hazard than climate projections. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 27(15), 2847-2863.
- Palazzoli, I., Montanari, A., & Ceola, S. (2023). Contribution of anthropogenic and hydroclimatic factors on the variation of surface water extent across the contiguous United States. Environmental Research Communications, 5(5), 051006.
- Cao, W., Liu, J., Ceola, S., Mao, G., Macklin, M. G., Montanari, A., ... & Tarolli, P. (2023). Landform-driven human reliance on rivers in imperial China. Journal of Hydrology, 620, 129353.
- Rozos, E., Koutsoyiannis, D., & Montanari, A. (2022). KNN vs. Bluecat—Machine Learning vs. Classical Statistics. Hydrology, 9(6), 101,
- Koutsoyiannis, D; Montanari, A, Climate Extrapolations in Hydrology: The Expanded Bluecat Methodology, HYDROLOGY, 2022,
- Palazzoli, I; Montanari, A; Ceola, S, Influence of Urban Areas on Surface Water Loss in the Contiguous United States, AGU ADVANCES, 2022,
- Koutsoyiannis, D; Montanari, A, Bluecat: A Local Uncertainty Estimator for Deterministic Simulations and Predictions, WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH, 2022,
- Trumbore, S; Barros, AP; Becker, TW; Davidson, EA; Ehlmann, BL; Gruber, N; Hofmann, E; Hudson, MK; Illangasekare, TH; Kang, S; Malanotte-Rizzoli, P; Montanari, A; Nimmo, F; Parsons, T; Salters, VJM; Schimel, D; Stevens, B; Wuebbles, DJ; Zeitler, P; Zhu, T, Thank You to Our 2020 Peer Reviewers, AGU ADVANCES, 2021,
- Galloway, GE; Seminara, G; Bloschl, G; Garcia, MH; Montanari, A; Solari, L, Reducing the Flood Risk of Art Cities: The Case of Florence, JOURNAL OF HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING, 2020,
- Papacharalampous, G; Koutsoyiannis, D; Montanari, A, Quantification of predictive uncertainty in hydrological modelling by harnessing the wisdom of the crowd: Methodology development and investigation using toy models, ADVANCES IN WATER RESOURCES, 2020,
- Papacharalampous, G; Tyralis, H; Koutsoyiannis, D; Montanari, A, Quantification of predictive uncertainty in hydrological modelling by harnessing the wisdom of the crowd: A large-sample experiment at monthly timescale, ADVANCES IN WATER RESOURCES, 2020,
- Papacharalampous, G; Tyralis, H; Langousis, A; Jayawardena, AW; Sivakumar, B; Mamassis, N; Montanari, A; Koutsoyiannis, D, Probabilistic Hydrological Post-Processing at Scale: Why and How to Apply Machine-Learning Quantile Regression Algorithms, WATER, 2019,
- Ceola, S; Laio, F; Montanari, A, Global-scale human pressure evolution imprints on sustainability of river systems, HYDROLOGY AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES, 2019,
- Bloeschl, G et al., Changing climate both increases and decreases European river floods, NATURE, 2019,
- Bloschl, G., et al., Twenty-three unsolved problems in hydrology (UPH) - a community perspective, HYDROLOGICAL SCIENCES JOURNAL-JOURNAL DES SCIENCES HYDROLOGIQUES, 2019,
- Papalexiou, SM; Montanari, A, Global and Regional Increase of Precipitation Extremes Under Global Warming, WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH, 2019,
- Paranunzio, R; Ceola, S; Laio, F; Montanari, A, Evaluating the Effects of Urbanization Evolution on Air Temperature Trends Using Nightlight Satellite Data, ATMOSPHERE, 2019,
- Iliopoulou, T; Aguilar, C; Arheimer, B; Bermudez, M; Bezak, N; Ficchi, A; Koutsoyiannis, D; Parajka, J; Polo, MJ; Thirel, G; Montanari, A, A large sample analysis of European rivers on seasonal river flow correlation and its physical drivers, HYDROLOGY AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES, 2019,
- Pugliese, A; Persiano, S; Bagli, S; Mazzoli, P; Parajka, J; Arheimer, B; Capell, R; Montanari, A; Bloschl, G; Castellarin, A, A geostatistical data-assimilation technique for enhancing macro-scale rainfall-runoff simulations, HYDROLOGY AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES, 2018,
- Iliopoulou, T; Koutsoyiannis, D; Montanari, A, Characterizing and Modeling Seasonality in Extreme Rainfall, WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH, 2018,
- Fang, Y; Ceola, S; Paik, K; McGrath, G; Rao, PSC; Montanari, A; Jawitz, JW, Globally Universal Fractal Pattern of Human Settlements in River Networks, EARTHS FUTURE, 2018,
- Ceola, S; Pugliese, A; Ventura, M; Galeati, G; Montanari, A; Castellarin, A, Hydro-power production and fish habitat suitability: Assessing impact and effectiveness of ecological flows at regional scale, ADVANCES IN WATER RESOURCES, 2018,
- Mangini, W; Viglione, A; Hall, J; Hundecha, Y; Ceola, S; Montanari, A; Rogger, M; Salinas, JL; Borzi, I; Parajka, J, Detection of trends in magnitude and frequency of flood peaks across Europe, HYDROLOGICAL SCIENCES JOURNAL-JOURNAL DES SCIENCES HYDROLOGIQUES, 2018,
- Bloschl, et al., Changing climate shifts timing of European floods, SCIENCE, 2017,
- Aguilar, C; Montanari, A; Polo, MJ, Real-time updating of the flood frequency distribution through data assimilation, HYDROLOGY AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES, 2017,
- Montanari, A; Bahr, J; Bloschl, G; Cai, XM; Mackay, DS; Michalak, A; Rajaram, H; Sanchez-Vila, X, Appreciation of peer reviewers for 2016, WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH, 2017,
- Elshorbagy, A; Bharath, R; Lakhanpal, A; Ceola, S; Montanari, A; Lindenschmidt, KE, Topography- and nightlight-based national flood risk assessment in Canada, HYDROLOGY AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES, 2017,
- Cervi, F; Bloschl, G; Corsini, A; Borgatti, L; Montanari, A, Perennial springs provide information to predict low flows in mountain basins, HYDROLOGICAL SCIENCES JOURNAL-JOURNAL DES SCIENCES HYDROLOGIQUES, 2017,
- O'Connell, PE; Koutsoyiannis, D; Lins, HF; Markonis, Y; Montanari, A; Cohn, T, The scientific legacy of Harold Edwin Hurst (1880-1978), HYDROLOGICAL SCIENCES JOURNAL-JOURNAL DES SCIENCES HYDROLOGIQUES, 2016,
- Koutsoyiannis, D; Bloschl, G; Bardossy, A; Cudennec, C; Hughes, D; Montanari, A; Neuweiler, I; Savenije, H, Joint editorial - Fostering innovation and improving impact assessment for journal publications in hydrology, JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY, 2016,
- Koutsoyiannis, D; Bardossy, A; Cudennec, C; Hughes, D; Montanari, A; Neuweiler, I; Savenije, H, Joint editorial-Fostering innovation and improving impact assessment for journal publications in hydrology, JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY-REGIONAL STUDIES, 2016,
- Koutsoyiannis, D; Acreman, M; Castellarin, A; Savenije, HHG; Cudennec, C; Bloschl, G; Young, G; Montanari, A; Watkins, F, Should auld acquaintance be forgot? Comment on Farewell, HSJ!address from the retiring editor by ZW Kundzewicz, HYDROLOGICAL SCIENCES JOURNAL-JOURNAL DES SCIENCES HYDROLOGIQUES, 2016,
- Koutsoyiannis, D; Bloschl, G; Bardossy, A; Cudennec, C; Hughes, D; Montanari, A; Neuweiler, I; Savenije, H, Joint Editorial-Fostering Innovation and Improving Impact Assessment for Journal Publications in Hydrology, VADOSE ZONE JOURNAL, 2016,
- Montanari, A; Bahr, J; Bloschl, G; Cai, XM; Mackay, DS; Michalak, A; Rajaram, H; Sanchez-Vila, X, Appreciation of peer reviewers for 2015, WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH, 2016,
- Koutsoyiannis, D; Bloschl, G; Bardossy, A; Cudennec, C; Hughes, D; Montanari, A; Neuweiler, I; Savenije, H, Joint editorial: Fostering innovation and improving impact assessment for journal publications in hydrology, WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH, 2016,
- Westerberg, IK; Wagener, T; Coxon, G; McMillan, HK; Castellarin, A; Montanari, A; Freer, J, Uncertainty in hydrological signatures for gauged and ungauged catchments, WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH, 2016,
- Ceola, S; Montanari, A; Parajka, J; Viglione, A; Bloschl, G; Laio, F, Human signatures derived from nighttime lights along the Eastern Alpine river network in Austria and Italy, SPATIAL DIMENSIONS OF WATER MANAGEMENT - REDISTRIBUTION OF BENEFITS AND RISKS, 2016,
- Aguilar, C; Montanari, A; Polo, MJ, Long term prediction of flood occurrence, SPATIAL DIMENSIONS OF WATER MANAGEMENT - REDISTRIBUTION OF BENEFITS AND RISKS, 2016,
- Koutsoyiannis, D; Bloschl, G; Bardossy, A; Cudennec, C; Hughes, D; Montanari, A; Neuweiler, I; Savenije, H, Joint editorial - Fostering innovation and improving impact assessment for journal publications in hydrology, HYDROLOGICAL SCIENCES JOURNAL-JOURNAL DES SCIENCES HYDROLOGIQUES, 2016,
- McMillan, H; Montanari, A; Cudennec, C; Savenije, H; Kreibich, H; Krueger, T; Liu, J; Mejia, A; Van Loon, A; Aksoy, H; Di Baldassarre, G; Huang, Y; Mazvimavi, D; Rogger, M; Sivakumar, B; Bibikova, T; Castellarin, A; Chen, YB; Finger, D; Gelfan, A; Hannah, DM; Hoekstra, AY; Li, HY; Maskey, S; Mathevet, T; Mijic, A; Acuna, AP; Polo, MJ; Rosales, V; Smith, P; Viglione, A; Srinivasan, V; Toth, E; Van Nooyen, R; Xia, J, Panta Rhei 2013-2015: global perspectives on hydrology, society and change, HYDROLOGICAL SCIENCES JOURNAL-JOURNAL DES SCIENCES HYDROLOGIQUES, 2016,
- Ceola, S; Montanari, A; Krueger, T; Dyer, F; Kreibich, H; Westerberg, I; Carr, G; Cudennec, C; Elshorbagy, A; Savenije, H; Van der Zaag, P; Rosbjerg, D; Aksoy, H; Viola, F; Petrucci, G; MacLeod, K; Croke, B; Ganora, D; Hermans, L; Polo, MJ; Xu, ZX; Borga, M; Helmschrot, J; Toth, E; Ranzi, R; Castellarin, A; Hurford, A; Brilly, M; Viglione, A; Bloschl, G; Sivapalan, M; Domeneghetti, A; Marinelli, A; Di Baldassarre, G, Adaptation of water resources systems to changing society and environment: a statement by the International Association of Hydrological Sciences, HYDROLOGICAL SCIENCES JOURNAL-JOURNAL DES SCIENCES HYDROLOGIQUES, 2016,
- Koutsoyiannis, D; Bloschl, G; Bardossy, A; Cudennec, C; Hughes, D; Montanari, A; Neuweiler, I; Savenije, H, Joint Editorial: Fostering innovation and improving impact assessment for journal publications in hydrology, HYDROLOGY AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES, 2016,
- Rajaram, H; Bahr, JM; Bloschl, G; Cai, XM; Mackay, DS; Michalak, AM; Montanari, A; Sanchez-Villa, X; Sander, G, A reflection on the first 50 years of Water Resources Research, WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH, 2015,
- Baratti, E; Pajola, M; Rossato, S; Mangili, C; Coradini, M; Montanari, A; McBride, K, Hydraulic modeling of the tributary and the outlet of a Martian paleolake located in the Memnonia quadrangle, JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-PLANETS, 2015,
- Ceola, S; Laio, F; Montanari, A, Human-impacted waters: New perspectives from global high-resolution monitoring, WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH, 2015,
- Montanari, A; Bahr, J; Bloschl, G; Cai, XM; Mackay, DS; Michalak, AM; Rajaram, H; Sander, G, Fifty years of Water Resources Research: Legacy and perspectives for the science of hydrology, WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH, 2015,
- Koutsoyiannis, D; Montanari, A, Negligent killing of scientific concepts: the stationarity case, HYDROLOGICAL SCIENCES JOURNAL-JOURNAL DES SCIENCES HYDROLOGIQUES, 2015,
- Montanari, A; Bahr, J; Bloschl, G; Cai, XM; Mackay, DS; Michalak, A; Rajaram, H; Sander, G, Appreciation of peer reviewers for 2014, WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH, 2015,
- Montanari, A, DebatesPerspectives on socio-hydrology: Introduction, WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH, 2015,
- Ceola, S; Laio, F; Montanari, A, Human pressure on rivers is increasing worldwide and threatens water security, HYDROLOGICAL SCIENCES AND WATER SECURITY: PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE, 2015,
- Andres-Domenech, I; Garcia-Bartual, R; Montanari, A; Marco, JB, Climate and hydrological variability: the catchment filtering role, HYDROLOGY AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES, 2015,
- Hall, J; Arheimer, B; Aronica, T; Bilibashi, A; Bohac, M; Bonacci, O; Borga, M; Burlando, P; Castellarin, A; Chirico, GB; Claps, P; Fiala, K; Gaal, L; Gorbachova, L; Gul, A; Hannaford, J; Kiss, A; Kjeldsen, T; Kohnova, S; Koskela, JJ; Macdonald, N; Mavrova-Guirguinova, M; Ledvinka, O; Mediero, L; Merz, B; Merz, R; Molnar, P; Montanari, A; Osuch, M; Parajka, J; Perdigao, RAP; Radevski, I; Renard, B; Rogger, M; Salinas, JL; Sauquet, E; Sraj, M; Szolgay, J; Viglione, A; Volpi, E; Wilson, D; Zaimi, K; Bloschl, G, A European Flood Database: facilitating comprehensive flood research beyond administrative boundaries, CHANGES IN FLOOD RISK AND PERCEPTION IN CATCHMENTS AND CITIES, 2015,
- Ceola, S; Arheimer, B; Baratti, E; Bloschl, G; Capell, R; Castellarin, A; Freer, J; Han, D; Hrachowitz, M; Hundecha, Y; Hutton, C; Lindstrom, G; Montanari, A; Nijzink, R; Parajka, J; Toth, E; Viglione, A; Wagener, T, Virtual laboratories: new opportunities for collaborative water science, HYDROLOGY AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES, 2015,
- Sikorska, AE; Montanari, A; Koutsoyiannis, D, Estimating the Uncertainty of Hydrological Predictions through Data-Driven Resampling Techniques, JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGIC ENGINEERING, 2015,
- Montanari, A; Koutsoyiannis, D, Modeling and mitigating natural hazards: Stationarity is immortal!, WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH, 2014,
- Ceola, S; Laio, F; Montanari, A, Satellite nighttime lights reveal increasing human exposure to floods worldwide, GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 2014,
- Ceola, S; Montanari, A; Koutsoyiannis, D, Toward a theoretical framework for integrated modeling of hydrological change, WILEY INTERDISCIPLINARY REVIEWS-WATER, 2014,
- Montanari, A; Koutsoyiannis, D, Reply to comment by Grey Nearing on A blueprint for process-based modeling of uncertain hydrological systems, WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH, 2014,
- Montanari, A, Debates-The future of hydrological sciences: A (common) path forward? Introduction, WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH, 2014,
- Montanari, A, Water Resources Research in 2013, WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH, 2014,
- Bloschl, G; Bardossy, A; Koutsoyiannis, D; Kundzewicz, ZW; Littlewood, I; Montanari, A; Savenije, H, On the future of journal publications in hydrology, WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH, 2014,
- Ceola, S; Bertuzzo, E; Singer, G; Battin, TJ; Montanari, A; Rinaldo, A, Hydrologic controls on basin- scale distribution of benthic invertebrates, WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH, 2014,
- Montanari, A; Ceola, S; Baratti, E, Panta Rhei: an evolving scientific decade with a focus on water systems, EVOLVING WATER RESOURCES SYSTEMS: UNDERSTANDING, PREDICTING AND MANAGING WATER-SOCIETY INTERACTIONS, 2014,
- Gupta, HV; Perrin, C; Bloschl, G; Montanari, A; Kumar, R; Clark, M; Andreassian, V, Large-sample hydrology: a need to balance depth with breadth, HYDROLOGY AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES, 2014,
- Bloschl, G; Bardossy, A; Koutsoyiannis, D; Kundzewicz, ZW; Littlewood, I; Montanari, A; Savenije, H, Joint Editorial-On the future of journal publications in hydrology, HYDROLOGICAL SCIENCES JOURNAL-JOURNAL DES SCIENCES HYDROLOGIQUES, 2014,
- Bloschl, G; Bardossy, A; Koutsoyiannis, D; Kundzewicz, ZW; Littlewood, I; Montanari, A; Savenije, H, On the future of journal publications in hydrology, HYDROLOGY AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES, 2014,
- Hall, J; Arheimer, B; Borga, M; Brazdil, R; Claps, P; Kiss, A; Kjeldsen, TR; Kriauciuniene, J; Kundzewicz, ZW; Lang, M; Llasat, MC; Macdonald, N; McIntyre, N; Mediero, L; Merz, B; Merz, R; Molnar, P; Montanari, A; Neuhold, C; Parajka, J; Perdigao, RAP; Plavcova, L; Rogger, M; Salinas, JL; Sauquet, E; Schar, C; Szolgay, J; Viglione, A; Bloschl, G, Understanding flood regime changes in Europe: a state-of-the-art assessment, HYDROLOGY AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES, 2014,
- Bloschl, G; Bardossy, A; Koutsoyiannis, D; Kundzewicz, ZW; Littlewood, I; Montanari, A; Savenije, H, On the future of journal publications in hydrology, HYDROLOGY RESEARCH, 2014,
- Montanari, A; Bloschl, G; Cai, XM; Mackay, DS; Michalak, AM; Rajaram, H; Sander, G, Editorial: Toward 50 years of Water Resources Research, WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH, 2013,
- Hrachowitz, M; Savenije, HHG; Bloschl, G; McDonnell, JJ; Sivapalan, M; Pomeroy, JW; Arheimer, B; Blume, T; Clark, MP; Ehret, U; Fenicia, F; Freer, JE; Gelfan, A; Gupta, HV; Hughes, DA; Hut, RW; Montanari, A; Pande, S; Tetzlaff, D; Troch, PA; Uhlenbrook, S; Wagener, T; Winsemius, HC; Woods, RA; Zehe, E; Cudennec, C, A decade of Predictions in Ungauged Basins (PUB)a review, HYDROLOGICAL SCIENCES JOURNAL-JOURNAL DES SCIENCES HYDROLOGIQUES, 2013,
- Montanari, A; Young, G; Savenije, HHG; Hughes, D; Wagener, T; Ren, LL; Koutsoyiannis, D; Cudennec, C; Toth, E; Grimaldi, S; Bloschl, G; Sivapalan, M; Beven, K; Gupta, H; Hipsey, M; Schaefli, B; Arheimer, B; Boegh, E; Schymanski, S; Di Baldassarre, G; Yu, B; Hubert, P; Huang, Y; Schumann, A; Post, DA; Srinivasan, V; Harman, C; Thompson, S; Rogger, M; Viglione, A; McMillan, H; Characklis, G; Pang, Z; Belyaev, V, Panta Rhei-Everything Flows: Change in hydrology and society-The IAHS Scientific Decade 2013-2022, HYDROLOGICAL SCIENCES JOURNAL-JOURNAL DES SCIENCES HYDROLOGIQUES, 2013,
- Montanari, A; Di Baldassarre, G, The role of model structure to propagate observation uncertainty (vol 51, pg 498, 2013), ADVANCES IN WATER RESOURCES, 2013,
- Viglione, A., Montanari, A., & Blöschl, G. (2013). Challenges of reservoir planning and management in a changing world. IAHS Publ., 362, 1-10.
- Montanari, A; Di Baldassarre, G, Data errors and hydrological modelling: The role of model structure to propagate observation uncertainty, ADVANCES IN WATER RESOURCES, 2013,
- Thompson, SE; Sivapalan, M; Harman, CJ; Srinivasan, V; Hipsey, MR; Reed, P; Montanari, A; Bloschl, G, Developing predictive insight into changing water systems: use-inspired hydrologic science for the Anthropocene, HYDROLOGY AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES, 2013,
- Montanari, A; Koutsoyiannis, D, A blueprint for process-based modeling of uncertain hydrological systems, WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH, 2012,
- Baratti, E; Montanari, A; Castellarin, A; Salinas, JL; Viglione, A; Bezzi, A, Estimating the flood frequency distribution at seasonal and annual time scales, HYDROLOGY AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES, 2012,
- Montanari, A, Hydrology of the Po River: looking for changing patterns in river discharge, HYDROLOGY AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES, 2012,
- Montosi, E; Manzoni, S; Porporato, A; Montanari, A, An ecohydrological model of malaria outbreaks, HYDROLOGY AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES, 2012,
- Biondi, D; Freni, G; Iacobellis, V; Mascaro, G; Montanari, A, Validation of hydrological models: Conceptual basis, methodological approaches and a proposal for a code of practice, PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF THE EARTH, 2012,
- Lombardi, L; Toth, E; Castellarin, A; Montanari, A; Brath, A, Calibration of a rainfall-runoff model at regional scale by optimising river discharge statistics: Performance analysis for the average/low flow regime, PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF THE EARTH, 2012,
- Di Baldassarre, G; Laio, F; Montanari, A, Effect of observation errors on the uncertainty of design floods, PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF THE EARTH, 2012,
- Andres-Domenech, I; Montanari, A; Marco, JB, Efficiency of Storm Detention Tanks for Urban Drainage Systems under Climate Variability, JOURNAL OF WATER RESOURCES PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT, 2012,
- Szollosi-Nagy, A; Montanari, A, Floods in a Changing Climate Inundation Modelling Forewords, FLOODS IN A CHANGING CLIMATE: INUNDATION MODELLING, 2012,
- Freni, G; Mannina, G; Montanari, A, Uncertainty in environmental and hydrological mathematical modelling Preface, PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF THE EARTH, 2012,
- Papalexiou, SM; Koutsoyiannis, D; Montanari, A, Can a simple stochastic model generate rich patterns of rainfall events?, JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY, 2011,
- Wagener, T; Montanari, A, Convergence of approaches toward reducing uncertainty in predictions in ungauged basins, WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH, 2011,
- Hostache, R; Matgen, P; Montanari, A; Montanari, M; Hoffmann, L; Pfister, L, Propagation of uncertainties in coupled hydro-meteorological forecasting systems: A stochastic approach for the assessment of the total predictive uncertainty, ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH, 2011,
- Brandimarte, L; Di Baldassarre, G; Bruni, G; D'Odorico, P; Montanari, A, Relation Between the North-Atlantic Oscillation and Hydroclimatic Conditions in Mediterranean Areas, WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT, 2011,
- Castiglioni, S; Castellarin, A; Montanari, A; Skoien, JO; Laaha, G; Bloschl, G, Smooth regional estimation of low-flow indices: physiographical space based interpolation and top-kriging, HYDROLOGY AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES, 2011,
- Montanari, A, Uncertainty of Hydrological Predictions, TREATISE ON WATER SCIENCE, VOL 2: THE SCIENCE OF HYDROLOGY, 2011,
- Di Baldassarre, G; Montanari, A; Lins, H; Koutsoyiannis, D; Brandimarte, L; Bloschl, G, Flood fatalities in Africa: From diagnosis to mitigation, GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 2010,
- Castiglioni, S; Lombardi, L; Toth, E; Castellarin, A; Montanari, A, Calibration of rainfall-runoff models in ungauged basins: A regional maximum likelihood approach, ADVANCES IN WATER RESOURCES, 2010,
- Bloschl, G; Montanari, A, Climate change impacts-throwing the dice? (vol 25, pg 374, 2010), HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES, 2010,
- Bloschl, G; Montanari, A, Climate change impacts-throwing the dice?, HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES, 2010,
- Andres-Domenech, I; Montanari, A; Marco, JB, Stochastic rainfall analysis for storm tank performance evaluation, HYDROLOGY AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES, 2010,
- Winsemius, HC; Schaefli, B; Montanari, A; Savenije, HHG, On the calibration of hydrological models in ungauged basins: A framework for integrating hard and soft hydrological information, WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH, 2009,
- Castiglioni, S; Castellarin, A; Montanari, A, Prediction of low-flow indices in ungauged basins through physiographical space-based interpolation, JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY, 2009,
- Montanari, A; Shoemaker, CA; van de Giesen, N, Introduction to special section on Uncertainty Assessment in Surface and Subsurface Hydrology: An overview of issues and challenges, WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH, 2009,
- Di Baldassarre, G; Castellarin, A; Montanari, A; Brath, A, Probability-weighted hazard maps for comparing different flood risk management strategies: a case study, NATURAL HAZARDS, 2009,
- Laio, F; Di Baldassarre, G; Montanari, A, Model selection techniques for the frequency analysis of hydrological extremes, WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH, 2009,
- Koutsoyiannis, D; Montanari, A; Lins, HF; Cohn, TA, DISCUSSION of The implications of projected climate change for freshwater resources and their management Climate, hydrology and freshwater: towards an interactive incorporation of hydrological experience into climate research, HYDROLOGICAL SCIENCES JOURNAL-JOURNAL DES SCIENCES HYDROLOGIQUES, 2009,
- Di Baldassarre, G; Montanari, A, Uncertainty in river discharge observations: a quantitative analysis, HYDROLOGY AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES, 2009,
- Pallard, B; Castellarin, A; Montanari, A, A look at the links between drainage density and flood statistics, HYDROLOGY AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES, 2009,
- Grauso, S; Fattoruso, G; Crocetti, C; Montanari, A, Estimating the suspended sediment yield in a river network by means of geomorphic parameters and regression relationships (vol 12, pg 177, 2008), HYDROLOGY AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES, 2009,
- Di Baldassarre, G; Laio, F; Montanari, A, Design flood estimation using model selection criteria, PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF THE EARTH, 2009,
- Montanari, A; Grossi, G, Estimating the uncertainty of hydrological forecasts: A statistical approach, WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH, 2008,
- Masetti, R; Fagherazzi, S; Montanari, A, Application of a barrier island translation model to the millennial-scale evolution of Sand Key, Florida, CONTINENTAL SHELF RESEARCH, 2008,
- Grauso, S; Fattoruso, G; Crocetti, C; Montanari, A, Estimating the suspended sediment yield in a river network by means of geomorphic parameters and regression relationships, HYDROLOGY AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES, 2008,
- Moretti, G; Montanari, A, Inferring the flood frequency distribution for an ungauged basin using a spatially distributed rainfall-runoff model, HYDROLOGY AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES, 2008,
- Moretti, G; Montanari, A, AFFDEF: A spatially distributed grid based rainfall-runoff model for continuous time simulations of river discharge, ENVIRONMENTAL MODELLING & SOFTWARE, 2007,
- Montanari, A; Toth, E, Calibration of hydrological models in the spectral domain: An opportunity for scarcely gauged basins?, WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH, 2007,
- Koutsoyiannis, D; Montanari, A, Statistical analysis of hydroclimatic time series: Uncertainty and insights, WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH, 2007,
- Montanari, A, What do we mean by 'uncertainty? The need for a consistent wording about uncertainty assessment in hydrology, HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES, 2007,
- Di Baldassarre, G; Brath, A; Montanari, A, Reliability of different depth-duration-frequency equations for estimating short-duration design storms, WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH, 2006,
- Montanari, L; Montanari, A; Toth, E, A comparison and uncertainty assessment of system analysis techniques for short-term quantitative precipitation nowcasting based on radar images, JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 2006,
- Brath, A; Montanari, A; Moretti, G, Assessing the effect on flood frequency of land use change via hydrological simulation (with uncertainty), JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY, 2006,
- Brandimarte, L; Montanari, A; Briaud, JL; D'Odorico, P, Stochastic flow analysis for predicting river scour of cohesive soils, JOURNAL OF HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING, 2006,
- Montanari, L; Sivapalan, M; Montanari, A, Investigation of dominant hydrological processes in a tropical catchment in a monsoonal climate via the downward approach, HYDROLOGY AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES, 2006,
- Montanari, L; Sivapalan, M; Montanari, A, Analysis of process controls on streamflow response in an Australian tropical catchment, PREDICTIONS IN UNGAUGED BASINS: PROMISE AND PROGRESS, 2006,
- Das, T; Moretti, G; Bardossy, A; Montanari, A, Assessing the predictive ability of the spatially distributed conceptual AFFDEF model for a mesoscale catchment, PREDICTIONS IN UNGAUGED BASINS: PROMISE AND PROGRESS, 2006,
- Montanari, A, Deseasonalisation of hydrological time series through the normal quantile transform, JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY, 2005,
- Montanari, A, Large sample behaviors of the generalized likelihood uncertainty estimation (GLUE) in assessing the uncertainty of rainfall-runoff simulations, WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH, 2005,
- Castellarin, A; Galeati, G; Brandimarte, L; Montanari, A; Brath, A, Regional flow-duration curves: reliability for ungauged basins, ADVANCES IN WATER RESOURCES, 2004,
- Montanari, A; Uhlenbrook, S, Catchment modelling: towards an improved representation of the hydrological processes in real-world model applications, JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY, 2004,
- Brath, A; Montanari, A; Toth, E, Analysis of the effects of different scenarios of historical data availability on the calibration of a spatially-distributed hydrological model, JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY, 2004,
- Montanari, A; Brath, A, A stochastic approach for assessing the uncertainty of rainfall-runoff simulations, WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH, 2004,
- Brath, A; Castellarin, A; Montanari, A, Assessing the reliability of regional depth-duration-frequency equations for gaged and ungaged sites, WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH, 2003,
- Uhlenbrook, S; Montanari, A; de Lima, JLMP, Preface to the special issue: Hydrological processes and distributed hydrological modelling, PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF THE EARTH, 2003,
- Brath, A; Montanari, A, Sensitivity of the peak flows to the spatial variability of the soil infiltration capacity for different climatic scenarios, PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF THE EARTH, 2003,
- Brath, A; Montanari, A; Toth, E, Neural networks and non-parametric methods for improving real-time flood forecasting through conceptual hydrological models, HYDROLOGY AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES, 2002,
- Brath, A; Montanari, A, Special section - Climatic and anthropogenic effects on hydrological processes - Preface, HYDROLOGY AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES, 2002,
- Brath, A; Castellarin, A; Montanari, A, Assessing the effects of land-use changes on annual average gross erosion, HYDROLOGY AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES, 2002,
- Montanari, A; Bardossy, A, I. Predicting and estimating extremes of precipitation - Preface, PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF THE EARTH PART B-HYDROLOGY OCEANS AND ATMOSPHERE, 2001,
- Brath, A; Castellarin, A; Montanari, A, At-site and regional assessment of the possible presence of non-stationarity in extreme rainfall in northern Italy, PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF THE EARTH PART B-HYDROLOGY OCEANS AND ATMOSPHERE, 2001,
- Toth, E; Brath, A; Montanari, A, Comparison of short-term rainfall prediction models for real-time flood forecasting, JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY, 2000,
- Brath, A; Montanari, A, The effects of the spatial variability of soil infiltration capacity in distributed flood modelling, HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES, 2000,<2779::AID-HYP91>3.0…
- Montanari, A; Rosso, R; Taqqu, MS, A seasonal fractional ARIMA model applied to the Nile River monthly flows at Aswan, WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH, 2000,
- Montanari, A; Taqqu, MS; Teverovsky, V, Estimating long-range dependence in the presence of periodicity: An empirical study, MATHEMATICAL AND COMPUTER MODELLING, 1999,
- Montanari, A; Longoni, M; Rosso, R, A seasonal long-memory stochastic model for the simulation of daily river flows, PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF THE EARTH PART B-HYDROLOGY OCEANS AND ATMOSPHERE, 1999,
- Toth, E; Montanari, A; Brath, A, Real-time flood forecasting via combined use of conceptual and stochastic models, PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF THE EARTH PART B-HYDROLOGY OCEANS AND ATMOSPHERE, 1999,
- De Michele, C; Montanari, A; Rosso, R, The effects of non-stationarity on the evaluation of critical design storms, WATER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 1998,
- Montanari, A; Rosso, R; Taqqu, MS, Fractionally differenced ARIMA models applied to hydrologic time series: Identification, estimation, and simulation, WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH, 1997,
- Montanari, A; Rosso, R; Taqqu, MS, Some long-run properties of rainfall records in Italy, JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 1996,
- Burlando, P; Montanari, A; Ranzi, R, Forecasting of storm rainfall by combined use of radar, rain gages and linear models, ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH, 1996,
- Burlando, P; Montanari, A; Rosso, R, Modelling hydrological data with and without long memory, MECCANICA, 1996,
Books, book chapters, special issues and conference proceedings and journals without impact factor
Journals without impact factor
- Blöschl, G., & Montanari, A. (2023). La spada di damocle della piena impossibile. L'acqua, 3, 5-14.
- Koutsoyiannis, D., & Montanari, A. (2022). BLUECAT. Un metodo innovativo per stimare l’incertezza di previsioni di deflussi fluviali. L'ACQUA, 1, 51-58.
- Delfini, I., Montanari, A., & Chahoud, A. (2022). Modellazione dinamica 3D dell'acquifero freatico della conoide alluvionale del Fiume Marecchia (Rimini). L'ACQUA, 3, 59-68.
- Montanari, A. (2021). Generazione di scenari tecnici di clima futuro per lo studio di eventi di magra in presenza di cambiamento climatico. L'ACQUA, 6, 59-69.
- Galloway, G., Seminara, G., Blöschl, G., Garcia, M., Montanari, A., & Solari, L., "Saving a World Treasure: Protecting Florence from Flooding, Firenze University Press, ISBN 978-88-6453-677-4, Vol. 115, 2017.
- Castellarin, A., Ceola, S., Toth, E., Montanari, A., Evolving Water Resources Systems: Understanding, Predicting and Managing Water-Society Interactions, IAHS Pub. no. 364, pp.i-xii, 1-548, ISBN:9781907161421, 2014.
- Brath, A., Montanari, A., Toth, E., (eds), “Hydrological Risk - Recent advances in peak river flow modelling, prediction and real-time forecasting - Assessment of the impacts of land-use and climate changes”, edited by published by BIOS (Cosenza, Italy), 2004.
Book chapters
- Montanari, A., Sideris, M.G., "Satellite remote sensing of hydrological change", in "Global change and future earth", edited by T. Beer, J. Li and K. Alverson, Cambridge University Press, ISBN doi 10.1017/9781316761489, ISBN 978-1-107-17159-6, pp.57-71, 2018.
- Montanari, A., Ceola, S., Baratti, E., Domeneghetti, A., Brath, A., "Po River Basin", chapter 116 of "Handbook of Applied Hydrology - Second Edition", McGraw Hill, ISBN 9780071835091, pp.1-4, 2016.
- Bloeschl G., Viglione A., Montanari A., Hydrological Risk Management, in "Climate Vulnerability: Understanding and Addressing Threats to Essential Resources", Volume 5, "Vulnerability of water resources to climate", ISBN:9780123847034, pp.3-10, 2013.
- Rosbjerg, D., Bloschl, G., Burn, D., Castellarin, A., Croke, B., Di Baldassarre, G., Iacobellis, V., Kjeldsen, T. R., Kuczera, G., Merz, R., Montanari, A., Ouarda, T., Ren, L., Rogger, M., Salinas, J., Toth, E. and Viglione, A., 2013. Prediction of floods in ungauged basins. In: Bloschl, G., Sivapalan, M., Viglione, A., Wagener, T. and Savenije, H., eds. Runoff Prediction in Ungauged basins. Cambridge, U. K.: Cambridge University Press, pp. 189-225, 2012.
- Montanari A. Uncertainty of hydrological predictions, in "Treatise on Water Science", ISBN:9780444531995, DOI:10.1016/B978-0-444-53199-5.00045-2, pp.459-478, 2011.
Edited special issues
- Special Section of the scientific journal Water Resources Research, "Uncertainty assessment in surface and subsurface hydrology", edited by A. Montanari, N. van de Giesen e C. Shoemaker, volume 45, 2009.
- Special Issue of the Journal of Hydrology, “Catchment modelling: towards an improved representation of the hydrological processes in real-world model applications”, edited by A. Montanari and S. Uhlenbrook, volume 291, 2004.
- Special Issue of Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, “Hydrological Processes and Distributed Hydrological Modelling”, edited by S. Uhlenbrook, A. Montanari and J.L.M.P. De Lima, volume 28, 2003.
- Special Issue of Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, “Climatic and anthropogenic effects on hydrological processes”, edited by A. Brath and A. Montanari, volume 26, 2002.
- Special Issue of Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, “Predicting and Estimating Extremes of Precipitation”, edited by A. Montanari and A. Bardossy, volume 26, 2001.
Conference proceedings
- Pugliese, A., Persiano, S., Castellarin, A., Bagli, S., Mazzoli, P., Parajka, D., Arheimer, B., Montanari, A., Miglioramento geostatistico di previsioni idrologiche a scala pan-europea. Atti del XXXV Convegno Nazionale di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche - ISBN:9788898010400, pp.443-446, 2016.
- Tomesani, G.; Soligno, I.; Castellarin, A.; Montanari, A.; Cervi, F.; Carnesecchi, G. Modello numerico del comportamento idrologico del Lago di Monate (VA), in Atti del XXXV Convegno Nazionale di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche - ISBN:9788898010400, pp. 497-500. 2016.
- Hall, J. et al., A European Flood Database: facilitating comprehensive flood research beyond administrative boundaries, doi:10.5194/piahs-370-89-2015, in "Changes in flood risk and perception in catchments and cities", Proceedings of IAHS - ISSN:2199-8981, vol. 370, pp.89-95, 2015.
- Montanari, A., Ceola, S., Baratti, E., Panta Rhei: an evolving scientific decade with a focus on water systems, in "Evolving Water Resources Systems: Understanding, Predicting and Managing Water-Society Interactions", ISBN:9781907161421, IAHS publication vol. 364, ISSN:0144-7815, pp.279-284, 2014.
- Montanari, A., Idrologia del Fiume Po: Deflussi, Antropizzazione ed Eventi Estremi, in Il Bacino del Po - ISBN:9788821810879, pp. 41-55, 2014.
- Viglione A; Montanari A.; Bloeschl G., Challenges of reservoir planning and management in a changing world, in "Considering hydrological change in reservoir planning and management", Proceedings of H09, IAHS-IAPSO-IASPEI Assembly, IAHS Publication 362, ISBN 9781907161407, pp.216-225, 2013.
- Montanari A.; Koutsoyiannis D., Un'impostazione teorica per la modellazione matematica di processi idrologici in presenza di incertezza, in XXXIII Convegno di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche - ISBN:9788897181187, pp. 15f-1267-1-15f-1267-10, 2012.
- Baratti E., Montanari A., Castellarin A., Salinas J.L., Viglione A., Blöschl G., Bezzi A.; et al., Sulla stima di frequenza stagionale ed annuale delle piene fluviali, in XXXIII Convegno Nazionale di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche - Atti (CD-ROM), ISBN:9788897181187, pp.15i-1334-1-15i-1334-11, 2012.
- Montanari, A., Uncertainty assessment in hydrology, Atti del XXXII Convegno Nazionale di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche, Palermo. 14-17 Settembre 2010, pp. 165 - 177, ISBN: 978-88-903895-1-1, Palermo, 2010.
- Di Baldassarre, G., Laio, F. and Montanari, A., Effect of observation errors on the uncertainty of design floods, Atti del XXXII Convegno Nazionale di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche, Palermo. 14-17 Settembre 2010, pp. E0409-1 - E0409-10, ISBN: 978-88-903895-1-1, 2010.
- Castiglioni, S., Castellarin, A., Montanari, A., Skøien, J. O. and Blöschl, G., Regionalizzazione geostatistica dei deflussi di magra: psbi e top-kriging a confronto, Atti del XXXII Convegno Nazionale di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche, Palermo. 14-17 Settembre 2010, pp. B0317-1 - B0317-10, ISBN: 978-88-903895-1-1, 2010.
- Castiglioni, S., Lombardi, L., Toth, E., Castellarin, A. and Montanari, A., A regional maximum likelihood approach for calibrating rainfall-runoff models in ungauged basins, Atti del XXXII Convegno Nazionale di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche, Palermo. 14-17 Settembre 2010, pp. E0412-1 - E0412-11, ISBN: 978-88-903895-1-1, 2010.
- Biondi, D., Freni, G., Iacobellis, V., Mascaro, G., and Montanari, A., Validation of hydrological models: conceptual basis, methodological approaches and a proposal for a code of practice, Atti del XXXII Convegno Nazionale di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche, Palermo. 14-17 Settembre 2010, pp. E0464-1 - E0464-10, ISBN: 978-88-903895-1-1, 2010.
- Castiglioni, S., Castellarin, A. and Montanari, A., Stima delle risorse idriche superficiali in corsi d’acqua non strumentati mediante tecniche di interpolazione spaziale, Atti della Conferenza Interregionale - Studi ed esperienze sull’uso sostenibile delle risorse idriche dell’Appennino. Città di Pennabilli – Montefeltro (PU). 26-27 Giugno 2009, pp. 13 - 16, Servizio Editoria - Università di Parma, 2009.
- Di Baldassarre, G., Castellarin, A., Montanari, A. and Brath A., Studio di scenari di inondazione controllata al di fuori delle arginature maestre, Atti del 31° Convegno di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche, Perugia, 9-12 settembre 2008, pp. 343-1 - 343-9, ISBN: 978-88-6074-220-9, 2008.
- Castiglioni S., Castellarin A., Montanari A. (2008). Stima delle portate di magra in siti non strumentati mediante tecniche di interpolazione spaziale, Atti del 31° Convegno di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche, Perugia, 9-12 settembre 2008, pp. 351-1 - 351-8, ISBN: 978-88-6074-220-9, 2008.
- Di Baldassarre, G., Laio, F. and Montanari, A., Criteri di selezione del modello probabilistico nell'analisi di frequenza degli estremi idrologici, Atti del 31° Convegno di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche, Perugia, 9-12 settembre 2008, pp. 205-1 - 205-10, ISBN: 978-88-6074-220-9, 2008.
- Grauso, S., Fattoruso, G., Crocetti, C. and Montanari, A., Sulla stima del traporto solido in sospensione in corsi d’acqua naturali in funzione di parametri geomorfici, Atti del 31° Convegno di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche, Perugia, 9-12 settembre 2008, pp. 242-1 - 242-8, ISBN: 978-88-6074-220-9, 2008.
- Montanari, A.e Grossi, G., Un approccio statistico per la stima dell'incertezza nelle previsioni idrologiche, Atti del 31° Convegno di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche, Perugia, 9-12 settembre 2008, pp. 382-1 - 382-8, ISBN: 978-88-6074-220-9, 2008.
- Montanari, A., Uncertainty estimation in hydrological forecasting: should we use statistics?, Proceedings del Workshop Inernazionale Unesco ad invito “Modelling Flood and Droughts - Uncertainty estimates for Water Resources Management”, Praga 13-14 marzo 2008.
- Montanari, A. and Toth, E, Spectral maximum-likelihood parameterization of hydrological models, Proceedings of the 11th Conference of the Euromediterranean Network of Experimental and Representative Basins (ERB) “Uncertainties in the ‘monitoring-conceptualisation-modelling’ sequence of catchment research”, Luxembourg, 20 – 22 September 2006, pp. 51 – 59, UNESCO/I, 2007.
- Masetti, R. Fagherazzi, S. and Montanari, A., Analisi numerica del processo di evoluzione di un'isola di barriera in ambiente marino, Atti del 30° Convegno di Idraulica e Costruzioni idrauliche, Roma, 10-15 settembre 2006, lavoro n° 272, 2006.
- Montanari, L. and Montanari, A., Applicazione della tecnica "downward approach" per l'individuazione dei processi idrologici dominanti nella formazione del deflusso fluviale, Atti del 30° Convegno di Idraulica e Costruzioni idrauliche, Roma, 10-15 settembre 2006, lavoro n° 145, 2006.
- Montanari, A. and Toth, E., Calibrazione di modelli afflussi-deflussi nel dominio spettrale: una possibilità per i bacini non strumentati?, Atti del 30° Convegno di Idraulica e Costruzioni idrauliche, Roma, 10-15 settembre 2006, lavoro n° 164, 2006.
- Chahinian, N., Andreassian, V., Duan, Q., Fortin, V., Gupta, H., Hogue, T., Mathevet, T., Montanari, A., Moretti, G., Moussa, R., Perrin, C., Schaake, J., Wagener, T., Xie, Z., Compilation of the MOPEX 2004 results, in Large sample basin experiments for hydrological model parameterization: results of the model parameter experiment – MOPEX, edited by V. Andreassian, A. Hall, N. Chahinian, J. Schaake, IAHS Pub. 307, 313 – 338, 2006.
- Fortin, V., Chahinian, N., Montanari, A., Moretti, G., Moussa, R., Distributed hydrological modelling with lumped inputs, in Large sample basin experiments for hydrological model parameterization: results of the model parameter experiment – MOPEX, edited by V. Andreassian, A. Hall, N. Chahinian, J. Schaake, IAHS Pub. 307, 135 – 148, 2006.
- Montanari, L., Sivapalan, M. and Montanari, A., Analysis of process control on streamflow response in an Australian tropical catchment, in Predictions in Ungauged Basins: Promise and Progress, Proceedings of symposium S7 held during the Seventh IAHS Scientific Assembly at Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil, April 2005, IAHS Publ. 303, 38 – 46, 2006.
- Das T., Moretti G., Bardossy A. and Montanari, A., Assessing the predictive ability of the spatially distributed conceptual AFFDEF model for a mesoscale catchment, in Predictions in Ungauged Basins: Promise and Progress, Proceedings of symposium S7 held during the Seventh IAHS Scientific Assembly at Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil, April 2005, IAHS Publ. 303, 351 – 359, 2006.
- Montanari, A. and Toth, E., Calibration of hydrological models in the spectral domain: an opportunità for ungauged basins?, Atti della Giornata di Studio Metodi Statistici e Matematici per l’Analisi delle Serie Idrologiche, Viterbo 26 maggio 2006, edited by Domenico Piccolo e Lucio Ubertini, Pubblicazione n° 2908 del CNR-GNDCI, pp. 59-72, 2006.
- Bigi, A., Hasbargen, L., Montanari, A. and Paola, C., Knickpoints and hillslope failures: Interactions in a steady state experimental landscape, in S.D. Willet, N. Hovius, M.T. Brandon, D.M. Fisher, Tectonics, Climate, and Landscape Evolution, pp. 295 – 307, Geological Society of America, 2006.
- Meixner, T., Gupta, H., Montanari, A., Jackson, B., Understanding Hydrologic Model Uncertainty: A Report on the IAHS-PUB Workshop, EOS Trans. AGU, 85, 556, doi: 10.1029/2004EO510007, 2004.
- Bigi, A., Hasbargen, L., Montanari, A. and Paola, C., Analisi su modello fisico di possibili interazioni tra processi di evoluzione morfologica della rete drenante e frane sui versanti, Atti del 29° Convegno di Idraulica e Costruzioni idrauliche, Trento, 7-10 settembre 2004, Editoriale Bios, Vol. 1, 373-380, 2004.
- Brandimarte, L., Brath, A., D’Odorico, P. and Brath, A., Un Metodo per la valutazione su base statistica della vulnerabilità di attraversamenti fluviali in alvei coerenti, Atti del 29° Convegno di Idraulica e Costruzioni idrauliche, Trento, 7-10 settembre 2004, Editoriale Bios, Vol. 1, 973-980, 2004.
- Di Baldassarre, G., Brath, A. and Montanari, A., Efficienza di formulazioni analitiche della curva di possibilità climatica per la stima della sollecitazione di progetto di reti di drenaggio urbano, Atti del 29° Convegno di Idraulica e Costruzioni idrauliche, Trento, 7-10 settembre 2004, Editoriale Bios, Vol. 3, 69-74, 2004.
- Montanari, L., Toth, E. and Montanari, A., Confronto fra alcuni modelli di previsione a breve termine di campi di precipitazione osservati da radar meteorologico, Atti del 29° Convegno di Idraulica e Costruzioni idrauliche, Trento, 7-10 settembre 2004, Editoriale Bios, Vol. 2, 281-288, 2004.
- Montanari, A. and Brath, A., Un approccio stocastico per la stima dell'incertezza di simulazioni prodotte da modelli afflussi-deflussi, Atti del 29° Convegno di Idraulica e Costruzioni idrauliche, Trento, 7-10 settembre 2004, Editoriale Bios, Vol. 2, 479-486, 2004.
- Alberti, M., Montanari, A., Montesi, M., Severino, C., Spada, G. and Zanotti, P., Un metodo multi criterio per la stima della portata di progetto di centrali idroelettriche ad acqua fluente, Atti del 29° Convegno di Idraulica e Costruzioni idrauliche, Trento, 7-10 settembre 2004, Editoriale Bios, Vol. 3, 313-320, 2004.
- Moretti, G. and Montanari, A., Applicazione di un modello afflussi-deflussi di tipo distribuito per la stima delle portate al colmo in corsi d'acqua non strumentati, Atti del 29° Convegno di Idraulica e Costruzioni idrauliche, Trento, 7-10 settembre 2004, Editoriale Bios, Vol. 2, 139-146, 2004.
- Toth, E., A., Brath, A. and Montanari, A., Analisi dell'influenza della disponibilità di dati di calibrazione sulle prestazioni di un modello afflussi-deflussi di tipo distribuito, Atti del 29° Convegno di Idraulica e Costruzioni idrauliche, Trento, 7-10 settembre 2004, Editoriale Bios, Vol. 3, 851-858, 2004.
- Moretti, G. and Montanari, A., Estimation of the peak river flow for an ungauged mountain creek using a distributed rainfall-runoff model, in Recent advances in peak river flow modelling, prediction and real-time forecasting - Assessment of the impacts of land-use and climate changes, edited by A. Brath, A. Montanari e E. Toth, pp. 113–128, BIOS (Cosenza, Italy), 2004.
- Montanari, A. and Brath, A., Assessing the uncertainty of rainfall-runoff simulations through a meta-Gaussian approach, in Recent advances in peak river flow modelling, prediction and real-time forecasting - Assessment of the impacts of land-use and climate changes, edited by A. Brath, A. Montanari e E. Toth, pp. 79–104, BIOS (Cosenza, Italy), 2004.
- Montanari, A., Uncertainty assessment in rainfall-runoff modelling, Atti della Giornata di Studio Metodi Statistici e Matematici per l’Analisi delle Serie Idrologiche, Napoli 7 maggio 2004, edited by Domenico Piccolo e Lucio Ubertini, Pubblicazione n° 2854 del CNR-GNDCI, pp. 161-184, Roma, 2004.
- Montanari, L., Toth, E. ,Montanari, A. and Amorati R., A comparison of systems analysis methods for quantitative precipitation nowcasting based on radar observations, atti del workshop Combination of data from remote sensing technologies for flood forecasting, 1st ACTIF Workshop, Bologna 24-25 novembre 2003, ARPA Emilia Romagna, 2004.
- Montanari, L. A. Montanari, E. Toth e R. Amorati, A comparison of systems analysis methods for quantitative precipitation nowcasting based on radar observations, atti del Workshop Combination of data from remote sensing technologies for flood forecasting, 1st ACTIF Workshop, Bologna 24-25 novembre 2003, ARPA Emilia Romagna, 2004.
- Brath, A., Castellarin, A. and Montanari, A., stima della vulnerabilità dei versanti all’erosione ed analisi degli effetti antropici, in U. Maione, A. Brath e P. Mignosa (eds) La progettazione di opere idrauliche in zona montana, Atti del Corso di aggiornamento, pp. 51-68, Milano, ottobre 2002, BIOS (Cosenza, Italy), 2003.
- Brandimarte, L., Brath, A.,e Montanari, A., Modelli interpretativi dei fenomeni di erosione in alveo in corrispondenza di attraversamenti fluviali, in U. Maione, A. Brath e P. Mignosa (eds) La progettazione di opere idrauliche in zona montana, Atti del Corso di aggiornamento, Milano, ottobre 2002, pp. 25-50, BIOS (Cosenza, Italy), 2003.
- Montanari, A., Application of the normal quantile transform for deseasonalising hydrological time series, Atti della Giornata di Studio Metodi Statistici e Matematici per l’Analisi delle Serie Idrologiche, Roma 9 maggio 2003, edited by Domenico Piccolo e Lucio Umbertini, Pubblicazione n° 2812 del CNR-GNDCI, pp. 63-72, 2003.
- Brath, A., Montanari, A. and Moretti, G., Assessing the effects on flood risk of land-use changes in the last five decades: an Italian case study, IAHS Publication n° 278, pp. 435-441, IAHS Press, 2003.
- Montanari, A., Long range dependence in hydrology, in Theory and Applications of Long-Range Dependence, edited by Paul Doukhan, George Oppenheim and Murad S. Taqqu, Birkhauser, Boston, 2003, pp. 461-472.
- Toth E., Brath, A., Montanari, A., Porcù F. and Prodi, F., Sull’utilizzo di immagini satellitari per la stima del campo di precipitazione in ingresso a un modello afflussi-deflussi di tipo distribuito, Atti del 28° Convegno di Idraulica e Costruzioni idrauliche, Potenza, 16-19 settembre 2002, BIOS (Cosenza, Italy), Vol. 2, 489-496, 2002.
- Brath, A., Montanari, A. and Moretti, G., Effetti di cambiamenti estensivi di uso del suolo sulla frequenza delle piene fluviali, Atti del 28° Convegno di Idraulica e Costruzioni idrauliche, Potenza, 16-19 settembre 2002, BIOS (Cosenza, Italy), Vol. 1, 373-387, 2002.
- Brath, A., Montanari, A. and Moretti, G. On the use of simulation techniques for the estimation of peak river flows, Proceedings of the International Conference on Flood Estimation, Berna (Svizzera), 6 – 8 Marzo 2002, Rep. II-17, pp. 587-599, CHR/KHR (International Commission for the Hydrology of the Rhine basin), 2002.
- Toth, E., Brath, A., Montanari, A., Porcù, F. and Prodi, F., Use of satellite derived rainfall maps as input to distributed rainfall-runoff models, in Mediterranean Storms (ed. by R. Deidda, A. Mugnai e F. Siccardi), Proc. 3rd EGS Plinius Conference, Baja Sardinia (Italy), Ottobre 2001, pp.353-358, Publ. GNDCI n. 2560, 2002.
- Brath, A., Castellarin, A. and Montanari, A., Regional rainfall depth-duration-frrequency relationships for Northern-Central Italy, in Mediterranean Storms (ed. by R. Deidda, A. Mugnai e F. Siccardi), Proc. 3rd EGS Plinius Conference, Baja Sardinia (Italy), Ottobre 2001, pp.225-232, Publ. GNDCI n. 2560, 2002.
- Brath, A., Moretti, G. and Montanari, A., Analisi degli effetti sul regime di frequenza delle piene delle variazioni recenti di uso del suolo, in U. Maione, A. Brath e P. Mignosa (eds) La progettazione della difesa idraulica, interventi di laminazione controllata delle piene fluviali, Atti del Corso di aggiornamento, Milano, ottobre 2000, pp. 53-92, BIOS (Cosenza, Italy), Cosenza, settembre 2001.
- Montanari, A., Dipendenza a lungo termine ed Effetto di Hurst nelle serie temporali idrologiche, Atti della Giornata di Studio su Metodi Statistici e Matematici per l'Analisi di Serie Idrologiche, a cura di D. Piccolo e L. Ubertini, Roma, 28 febbraio 2001, pp. 163-174, 2001.
- Brath, A. and Montanari, A., Valutazione della vulnerabilità idraulica degli attraversamenti fluviali, in Maione, U., Brath, A. and P. Mignosa (eds.) Sistemazione dei corsi d’acqua. Metodi avanzati nella progettazione di interventi di ingegneria naturaliastica, Atti del Corso di aggiornamento, Milano, ottobre 1999, pp. 367-412, BIOS (Cosenza, Italy), 2000.
- Grimaldi, S., and Montanari, A., Su alcune tecniche di stima delle componenti periodiche stagionali presenti in variabili idrologiche giornaliere, Atti del XXVII Convegno di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche, Genova, 12-15 Settembre 2000, Vol. II, pp. 237-244, CNR-GNDCI, 2000.
- Brath, A. and Montanari, A., Sulla dipendenza della risposta idrologica dalla variabilità spaziale delle proprietà di assorbimento del suolo, Atti del XXVII Convegno di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche, Genova, 12-15 Settembre 2000, Vol. II, pp. 23-32, CNR-GNDCI, 2000.
- Brath, A., Montanari, A. and Toth, E., Utilizzo combinato di modelli deterministici e reti neurali artificiali per la previsione di piena in tempo reale, Atti del XXVII Convegno di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche, Genova, 12-15 Settembre 2000, Vol. II, pp. 313-323, CNR-GNDCI, 2000.
- Brath, A., Montanari, A., and Toth, E., Short-term rainfall prediction with time series analysis techniques for real-time flash flood forecasting, in Mediterranean Storms (ed. by P. Claps, F. Siccardi), Proc. Intern. EGS Plinius Conference, Maratea, 14-16 Octobre 1999, pp.205-217, BIOS (Cosenza, Italy), 2000.
- Montanari, A., and Brath, A., Maximum likelihood estimation for the seasonal Neyman-Scott rectangular pulses model for rainfall, in Mediterranean Storms (ed. by P. Claps, F. Siccardi), Proc. Intern. EGS Plinius Conference, Maratea, 14-16 Octobre 1999, pp.297-309, BIOS (Cosenza, Italy), 2000.
- Castellarin, A., Brath, A. and Montanari, A., Detecting non-stationarity in extreme rainfall data observed in Northern Italy, in Mediterranean Storms (ed. by P. Claps, F. Siccardi), Proc. Intern. EGS Plinius Conference, Maratea, 14-16 Octobre 1999, pp.219-231, BIOS (Cosenza, Italy), 2000.
- Brath, A., Franchini, M., Montanari, A., and Toth, E., Coupling deterministic and stochastic models for real-time flood forecasting, in Ribamod-River basin modelling, management and flood mitigation-Concerted action, proceedings of the workshop/expert meeting, Monselice 25-26 Settembre 1997, edited by R. Casale, M. Borga, E. Baltas e P. Samuels, European Commission, pp. 249-259, 2000.
- Brath, A., Lamberti, A., and Montanari, A., Lo studio dei fenomeni fluviali mediante modelli fisici, in "L’ingegneria naturalistica nella sistemazione dei corsi d’acqua”, a cura di U. Maione e A. Brath, BIOS (Cosenza, Italy), pp. 167-210, 1999.
- Brath, A., Montanari, A., and Toth, E., Stochastic Techniques for Improving Real-Time Flood Predictions, Proceedings 28th Conference of the International Association for Hydraulic Research, Graz 22-27 agosto 1999, Technical University Graz, Austria, 1999.
- Brath, A., Montanari, A., and Toth, E., Su alcune tecniche stocastiche per il miglioramento delle prestazioni del preannuncio di piena, atti del XXVI Convegno di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche, Catania 9-12 settembre 1998, Vol. II, pp. 159-172, Edizioni CUECM, 1998.
- Rosso, R., De Michele, C., and Montanari, A., La previsione statistica delle piogge di forte intensità e breve durata - Applicazione alla Liguria tirrenica e al bacino del Po, in "La difesa idraulica del territorio", a cura di U. Maione e A. Brath, BIOS (Cosenza, Italy), pp. 1-30, 1997.
- Montanari, A., Rosso, R. and Taqqu, M.S., Estimating long-memory in seasonal time series: an application to the Nile River monthly flows, Memorie del Dipartimento di Ingegneria Idraulica, Ambientale e del Rilevamento del Politecnico di Milano, Milano, 1996 (regolarmente depositato ai sensi dell’art. 1 del decreto legislativo luogotenenziale 31 agosto 1945, n° 660).
- Montanari, A., Simulazione di variabili idrologiche giornaliere mediante modelli stocastici di tipo ARIMA con differenziazione frazionaria, atti del XXV Convegno di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche, Torino 16-18 settembre 1996, Vol. 1, pp. 414-425, Edizioni Maf Servizi, 1996.
- Bianchi, A., Montanari, A., Rosso, R., Bruschi, M., and Alifraco, G., Un modello idrologico di quantità e qualità delle acque del Torrente Baganza, affluente del Torrente Parma, Atti del Congresso Biennale ANDIS ‘93, Palermo 21-23 settembre 1993, Vol. 1, pp.199-211, Andis, 1993.
- Bruschi, M., Montanari, A., Rosso, R., Bianchi, A. and Alifraco G., Modello idrologico di quantità - qualità delle acque del bacino del Torrente Baganza, Relazione annuale 1991 bacini Taro-Ceno e Parma-Baganza, pp.238-261, Provincia di Parma, 1992.