On March 2nd the University of Bologna will gradually make lectures available in streaming. The emergency induced by COVID-19 at the global level, and in particular in the Emilia-Romagna region in Italy, has suggested the use of streaming to overcome the barriers to traveling in some regions and countries.
Within one week the University of Bologna, in cooperation with other Italian universities, has developed a strategy that looks excellent to me. We will go online with a gradual transition and only temporarily for now, but I believe that we will provide an example of how it is possible to adopt an innovative and more sustainable educational activity.
The university could adopt the above excellent solution thanks to a collective and unified effort. The Governance of the university, teachers and staff have worked with a joint effort that looks excellent and commendable to me. The work of the university during this week is the real demonstration that a unified effort and the will to work for a common goal may bring an institution to reach excellent results. Such a will to work for the common good is what we need to manage critical situations, it is what the University of Bologna has stimulated this week, with the support of the Government, the Ministry and many other Italian universities that are jointly working for the benefit of the Country.
I am amazed by the full cooperation of students and staff. I am impressed by the progress that modern technology allows us to quickly make, I am impressed to see that an entire country can recognize and appreciate who is willing to relentlessly serve the community for the public good.
Of course it will be not easy. We will experience technical problems but I am sure we will get to the top of it. I am sure that the final result - not only for our students - is exceptional and demonstrate once again that the value (and the limits) of persons and institutions emerge and are recognized during critical situations.
I would like to thank very much the Governance of the University and the Government of Italy, as well teachers and staff, and the students.
See you soon in streaming!