
Tutorials of Sustainable Design of Water Resources Systems - 2018

Sustainable Design of Water Resources System is a subject included in the study plan of the master degree programs in Civil Engineering and Earth Resources Engineering at the University of Bologna. The course will be taught during 48 hours of frontal teaching, including lectures given by the teacher and exercises developed by collaborative work by students and the teacher.

Tutorials of Sustainable Design of Water Resources Systems - 2017

The course on Sustainable Design of Water Resources System is included in the study plan of the master degree programs in Civil Engineering (curriculum Infrastructure Design in River Basins) and Earth Resources Engineering at the University of Bologna. The course will be taught during 48 hours of frontal teaching, including lectures given by the teacher and exercises developed by collaborative work by students and the teacher.

Insegnamento di Costruzioni Idrauliche M (2016-2017)

Sito di riferimento per l'insegnamento, le esercitazioni ed il materiale a supporto della didattica. Questa pagina internet mette a disposizione degli studenti le informazioni ed il materiale di supporto per l'insegnamento (1 modulo, 6 crediti formativi universitari) di Costruzioni Idrualiche M indirizzato agli studenti dell'Università di Bologna. Gli studenti potranno inoltre trovare i video delle lezioni sul la playlist dell'insegnamento nel mio canale youtube.

Tutorials for Advanced Hydrology - 2016

Please find here below the slides and tutorial documents of the course on Advanced Hydrology. Please send me an e-mail if you would like to fix an appointment for further clarifications on the classes. Please note that the documents below are first copied from the past year's list and will be continuously updated as lectures go on. Therefore please check the current page once in a while. Moreover, please do not forget that the videos of the lectures are available here.

Tutorials for Advanced Hydrology and Water Resources Management - 2015

Please find here below the slides and tutorial documents of the course on Advanced Hydrology and Water Resources Management. Please send me an e-mail if you would like to fix an appointment for further clarifications on the classes. Please note that the documents below are first copied from the past year's list and will be continuously updated as lectures go on. Therefore please check the current page once in a while.