
Article on Nature on the floods in the Emilia-Romagna region (in Italian and English)

Nature published an article titled "Examining the role of climate change in the Emilia-Romagna floods", that makes considerations on the causes of the flood and presents a brief review of relevant scientific contributions. I was interviewed by the journalist, thus the article includes some statements by me. I believe it is an interesting reading for getting more details on what happened.

Here the version in Italian.

Scientific paper "Contribution of anthropogenic and hydroclimatic factors on the variation of surface water extent across the contiguous United States"

The paper "Contribution of anthropogenic and hydroclimatic factors on the variation of surface water extent across the contiguous United States" has been just published by Environmental Research Communications. The paper is open access and is available here.

Thank you very much for your interest!

My invited presentation at the workshop "Mettiamoci in Riga" organised by the Italian Ministry of the Environment, titled "Solutions for climate change adaptation" (in Italian), June 2023

My presentation at the workshop "Mettiamoci in Riga" organised by the Italian Ministry of the Environment, titled "Solutions for climate change adaptation" (in Italian), June 2023, is available for donwload at the link below.

Thank you for your interest.


My presentation at the workshop "Geoscience Information for Teachers", Vienna, April 2023

My presentation titled "The major challenges for ensuring a sustainable use of freshwater under change" at the workshop "Geoscience information for teachers" (at the General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union), is available for download at the link below.

Thank you for your interest.

My presentation at the 2023 EGU General Assembly titled "Everything still flows: achievements and future evolution of Panta Rhei"

My presentation at the 2023 General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union titled "Everything still flows: achievements and future evolution of Panta Rhei" is available for download at the link below.

Thank you vert much for your interest.

My presentation at the "Hydrology Days" of the Italian Hydrological Society titled "What water for the future? Engineering design under climate change" (in Italian)

My presentation "What water for the future? Engineering design under climate change" (in Italian) at the Hydrology Days of the Italian Hydrological Society (Genoa 9-11 November 2022).

Thank you for your interest.

My interview at InsolvenzFest 2022 (in Italian) on "There's no water for everybody if the distribution is leaking: history of water debt...."

In September 2022 I had the pleasure to be interviewed by Luisiana Gaita at InsolvenzFest 2022 in Bologna. The interview focused on water resources management in the presence of climate change. In particular our discussion adopted the unusual view of looking at current water issues as a form of "water debt" that we are passing to future generations.

How to write a paper on a high profile scientific journal (in Italian). Talk by Guenter Bloeschl

Here below you can find the video and the presentation of the talk "How to write a paper on a high profile scientific journal" (in Italian), by Guenter Bloeschl. The talk was delivered at the University of Bologna on June 24, 2022. Thank you for your interest.


Video on YouTube

My presentation at the EGU22 meeting "Uncertainty assessment with Bluecat: Recognising randomness as a fundamental component of physics"

My presentation at the EGU22 meeting titled "Uncertainty assessment with Bluecat: Recognising randomness as a fundamental component of physics" is available at the link below.
Thank you for your interest.

My presentation "Climate change and frequency of hydrometeorological extremes. What solutions?" (in Italian) to the meeting "I Lincei per il clima", Genoa, March 15, 2022

My presentation at the meeting "I Lincei per il clima", Genoa, March 15, 2022 is available for download at the link below. The title is "Climate change and frequency of hydrometeorological extremes. What solutions?", it is in Italian and addressed to students of the high school.
Thank you for your interest.

My presentation at the meeting "Water that will be. Climate change: new challenges and solutions for water supply"

At the link below my presentation at the meeting "Water that will be. Climate change: new challenges and solutions for water supply", held in Bologna on December 14th 2021, can be downloaded. The title is: "Climate change and water: New Scenarios, New engineering, New solutions" (in Italian).
The video of my contribution is available here (from time 33'28").
TV reports on the event are available below (in Italian):

1st Workshop on "Novel hydrological concepts for the engineering practice", Bologna, September 29, 2021

The Workshop "Novel hydrological concepts for the engineering practice" has taken place in Bologna on September 29, 2021. It has been organised to celebrate the degree Honoris Causa in Environmental Engineering that has been awarded by the University of Bologna to Günter Blöschl. The emergency due to COVID19 imposed a severe restriction to the number of attendants and therefore the audience was not large.

My presentation (in Italian) to the "Hydrology Days 2021" titled "Bluecat: Un metodo innovativo per studiare l’incertezza di previsioni di deflussi fluviali", Naples October 1, 2021

My presentation to the Hydrology Days 2021 (Naples, September 30 and October 1st, 2021) is available for download at the link below. The title is "Bluecat: Un metodo innovativo per studiare l’incertezza di previsioni di deflussi fluviali". It is the first presentation of Bluecat in the Italian language.
Thank you for your interest.