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Lecture notes Mountain River Training M - 2024-2025
Web site providing information, tutorials and videos for the master degree course on Mountain Rivers Training. The web page is in Italian.
Lecture notes for "Climate change and global health" 2024 - University San Raffaele
"Climate change and global health" (CCGH) is a 12-hour module of the course on "Climate change and architecture for health" at the University San Raffaele in Milan. This page refers to the lectures delivered in the Fall semester of 2024.
The 12 hours of teaching will be delivered through in-presence frontal lectures. the study plan is as follows:
New master degree programme in Civil Engineering - Climate change adaptation
Join us at the Webinar on May 20, 12PM-1PM CEST Eligibility, application, fees, scholarships, study plan, job market and logistic will be presented by professors. |
Lecture notes for Climate Change Adaptation (Floods and Water Resources in a Changing Climate) 2024
Climate Change Adaptation (Floods and Water Resources in a Changing Climate for student of physics) is concentrating on strategies and actions to mitigate the impact of climate change on society, with a particular focus on water. The course will be taught with 48 hours of frontal teaching, including lectures given by the teacher and exercises developed by collaborative work by students and the teacher. The purpose of the course is to provide an overview of modern techniques for designing climate resilient environmental systems in the presence of human impact.
Lecture notes for Science of Climate Change and Climate Actions 2024
"Science of Climate Change and Climate Actions" is a soft skill course at the University of Bologna. It will be taught in English for a total of 24 hours (3 credits) in the second semester, by me and other expert colleagues. Details are given here. Access is given to a maximum number of 200 students. The study plan is as follows:
Lecture notes for Harbour Engineering 2024
The course on Harbour Engineering focuses on design of harbors and coast management. The part of course that I am teaching counts 32 hours of lectures. The teacher will make extensive use of interactivity, with the options illustrated below.
Floods: Ten concepts to get better protected
Floods often call people and disaster management by surprise. A list of recent floods shows that inundations are the reason of increasing concern. The list of floods in Italy (in Italian) indicates that 50 victims were reported from 2021 to 2022. An example of a flood that took people by surprise is the event that occurred in Germany during the summer 2021.
Degree and Ph.D. opportunities at Unibo
The Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental and Material Engineering at the University of Bologna, where I teach and work as a researcher, offers several opportunities to foreign students. I believe studying in Bologna and Ravenna (where the University of Bologna has a campus and where I am teaching) is a great experience for a foreign student.
Degree programmes
If you are interested in degree programs (bachelor and master) offered by my Department, please refer to the following link:
Tutorials Mountain River Training M - 2023-2024
Web site providing information, tutorials and videos for the master degree course on Mountain Rivers Training. The web page is in Italian.
Tutorials of Coastal Engineering - 2023-2024
The course on Coastal Engineering is included in the study plan of the master degree program in Off-shore Engineering at the University of Bologna. The part of course that I am teaching counts 12 hours of lectures. The teacher will make extensive use of interactivity, with the options illustrated below. Lectures include about 4 hours dedicated to solving exercises by using the personal computer, by collaborative work by students and teacher. Students will be kindly asked to bring their own personal computer to solve the exercises.
My presentation at the AGU Fall Meeting 2024 "Climate change and droughts: uncovering the drivers for drought impact amplification"
My presentation at the 2024 AGU Fall meeting titled "Climate change and droughts: uncovering the drivers for drought impact amplification" is available at the link below.
Thanks for your interest.
My presentation at the IAHS Peter Loucks Lecture titled "An impossible dream: The deterministic hydrologic prediction", Florianopolis, November 2024
I delivered the 2024 IAHS Peter Loucks Lecture in Florianopolis (Brasil) during the Joint IAHS IWRM-STAHY-EBE Conference. The title of the lecture was "An impossible dream: The deterministic hydrologic prediction". My presentation is available at the link below.
Thank you very much for your interest!
Scientific article: The IAHS Science for Solutions decade, with Hydrology Engaging Local People IN one Global world (HELPING)
The scientific paper "The IAHS Science for Solutions decade, with Hydrology Engaging Local People IN one Global world (HELPING)" is available online here. It is the presentation to the scientific community of the new IAHS scientific decade 2023-2032.
Thanks a lot for your interest.
Scientific paper: Monitoring macroplastics in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems: Expert survey reveals visual and drone-based census as most effective techniques
The scientific paper "Monitoring macroplastics in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems: Expert survey reveals visual and drone-based census as most effective techniques" is available online here.
It's my first experience in the field of plastic transport in aquatic systems. Different monitoring techniques are evaluated through an expert survey.
Thank you for your interest!
Bluecat: an extension of the approach and software to allow application to any environmental prediction or ensemble prediction
An extension of the Bluecat approach and software to allow uncertainty assessment for predictions given by any environmental (multi)model has been released in September 2024.
The extension is presented in a submitted paper, titled "Uncertainty estimation for environmental multimodel predictions: the BLUECAT approach and software". Preprint is available here.
My interview (in Italian) at the TRC TV on flood and drought risk
On June 15 I have been interviewed by the TV channel TRC. The discussion focused on flood and drought risk.
The interview can be watched here. The video has been kindly provided by TRC.
Thank you for your interest.
Causes of the exceptional 2022 drought in the Po River Basin (in Italian). My presentation at the National Meeting of Hydraulics and Hydraulic Works, Parma, Sept 2024
My oral contribution titled "Causes of the exceptional 2022 drought in the Po River Basin" (in Italian) at the National Meeting of Hydraulics and Hydraulic Works is available at the link below.
Thank you for your interest.
A "presentation mode" version of the ebook "A travel through time to explore past and future megadroughts"
I created a "presentation mode" version of the ebook "A travel through time to explore past and future megadroughts" (linked in the left column here) which can be downloaded at the link below. It is a powerpoint file that may be useful when presenting to an audience.
It also was an opportunity to revise the ebook and add a page on megadroughts during the "Common Era".
Enjoy your travel! If you have any comment please do send an email to me.
Thanks a lot.
New scientific paper: "The sword of Damocles of the impossible flood"
We are pleased to report the publication of our (together with Guenter Bloeschl and Bruno Merz) opinion paper "The Sword of Damocles of the impossible flood". It discusses reasons why floods often call us by surprise.
This is main research focus at the moment, one of the central themes of my brand new project CO22Water. If you are interested please follow the web page of the project, there will be opportunities to contribute soon.
My presentation "Uncertainty assessment for predictions of natural hazard events and impact" at the workshop "Multi risk models from assessment to validation and implication for decision making" - Bari, June 2024
My presentation "Uncertainty assessment for predictions of natural hazard events and impact" at the workshop "Multi risk models from assessment to validation and implication for decision making", that took place in Bari during June 20-21 2024, is available at the link below.
Thanks a lot for your interest.