"Climate change and global health" (CCGH) is a 12-hour module of the course on "Climate change and architecture for health" at the University San Raffaele in Milan. This page refers to the lectures delivered in the Fall semester of 2024.
The 12 hours of teaching will be delivered through in-presence frontal lectures. the study plan is as follows:
- Introduction to climate and health;
- Climate prediction;
- Changes in climatic and hydrological processes and variables;
- Global warning and public health;
- Water change and diseases;
- Climate change and pandemics;
- Climate change mitigation and adaptation.
Lectures will be given in four three-hours sessions that will be taught by me. The room of the lectures will be communicated later. The calendar is as follows:
- October 17 - 3 hours;
- October 24 - 3 hours;
- November 14 - 3 hours;
- November 21 - 3 hours.
Lecture notes
The lecture notes for the course will be delivered in the form of open web pages, open media and freely accessible videos, for the sake of developing academic education through fully open information. Lecture notes will be possibly updated while teaching. Tutorial web pages for the lectures (provisional list):
- Introduction to climate and global health;
- The climate change problem;
- Climate models;
- Climate change impact on health (from Centers for disease control and prevention - Show the powerpoint presentation to see animation);
- Climate change impact on health;
- Climate related diseases.
Videos of the lectures
The videos of the lectures are available at the link below: Playlist of Climate change and global health 2024. Videos will be made available within one week after each lecture.
Useful readings
Climate change and health from World Health Organisation.
Climate Effects on Health from Centers for disease control and prevention.
Climate Change and Human Health from United States Environmental Protection Agency.
Contact details of the teacher and individual clarifications
The teacher is available to provide clarifications on request with virtual meetings. Teacher can be contacted by email. Clarifications may also be given after each lecture.