Workshop "Remote Sensing Based Water and Energy Fluxes Estimation in a Changing Environment"

The workshop "Remote Sensing Based Water and Energy Fluxes Estimation in a Changing Environment" will be held on Thursday, 18th September in Cordoba, (IFAPA Centro Alameda del Obispo, Avd. Menéndez Pidal s/n, 14004). It aims to present the current state of art and discuss the perspectives for the use of earth observation technology on the estimation of water and energy fluxes, with a special focus on the modelling of crops and natural systems evapotranspiration. This event is organized within the framework of CERESS project (AGL2011-30498) and the Panta Rhei Research Initiative of the IAHS. More information here.

A new Working Group and an overview of the research themes to date

A new working groups have been proposed and approved in Panta Rhei.

  • Drought in the Anthropocene - Chair: Anne Van Loon - Proposal

The new Working Group covers an important research area that is expected to draw the attention of more and more researchers in the future. Panta Rhei is happy to welcome the new Colleagues into the team!
Panta Rhei is now becoming much articulated and widespread. We include 27 Working Groups (and we know that more are coming) and 12 research themes. The latter are not yet comprehensive and therefore a concerted action is being taken by the Panta Rhei governance to propose additional themes. Please contact us if you have any idea, proposals are welcome.
Magdalena Rogger, target leader of Panta Rhei, has prepared a schematic overview of the current research themes that may help the community to identify potential gaps.
Alberto Montanari

Two new Working Groups in Panta Rhei!

Two new working groups have been proposed and approved in Panta Rhei.

  • Resilience-based management of natural resources: the fundamental role of water and soil in functional ecosystems - Chair: David Finger - Proposal
  • Integrating history, social conflicts and hydrology: From semi pristine to highly modified hydrological systems - Chair: Victor Rosales Sierra - Proposal

The new Working Groups bring a representation from South America and Northern Europe. Panta Rhei is happy to welcome the new Colleagues into the team!
Alberto Montanari

Guidelines for Working Groups of Panta Rhei

The governance of Panta Rhei was recently stimulated to deliver guidelines for the activity of the Working Groups (WGs). Indeed, it is time to start up and support WGs to produce their research activity. Working Groups are the essence of Panta Rhei. They already include more than 300 researchers and therefore collect an immense potential for hydrology, and ultimately the benefit of society.
In order to stimulate the WGs and convey the full support of Panta Rhei to their activity guidelines have been produced for the activity of WGs. The document delivers a first collection of ideas for working together in the setting of Panta Rhei. Please feel free to deliver any suggestion you may have to improve the document. It can be updated anytime! We are looking forward yo your feedback!

Successful Panta Rhei sessions at EGU 2014!

The EGU meeting, that took place in Vienna from April 27 to May 2nd in Vienna, hosted interesting sessions that focused on Panta Rhei. Among them, the visionary session HS1.1 titled "Panta Rhei: a vision and an agenda for the next 10 years of hydrological research in support of society", convened by Gerrit H. de Rooij and Alberto Montanari, was a success in terms of attendance and significance of the talks. Six invited speakers, namely, Hubert Savenjie, Demetris Koutsoyiannis, Upmanu Lall. Berit Arheimer, Efi Foufoula-Georgiou and Stefania Tamea delivered very insightful presentation. Their powerpoint slides can be downloaded here below. They represent a very useful reference for the future of Panta Rhei!
Presentation by Hubert Savenije.
Presentation by Demetris Koutsoyiannis.
Presentation by Efi Foufoula-Georgiou.
Presentation by Manu Lall.
Presentation by Berit Arheimer.
Presentation by Stefania Tamea.


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