Download the logos of Panta Rhei

The logos of Panta Rhei can be downloaded here. The zip file contains 4 logos in different formats:

  • File panta-rhei-logo-largescale.jpg. The logo of Panta Rhei to be dysplayed in large size
  • File panta-rhei-logo-smallscale.png. The small size logo of Panta Rhei. The font of the text is large, pictures are displayed.
  • File panta-rhei-logo-smallscale1.png. Another small size logo of Panta Rhei. The font of the text is large, pictures are not displayed.
  • File panta-rhei-logo-smallscale-bn.png. A small size logo of Panta Rhei in grey scale. The font of the text is large, pictures are not displayed.

Please use these logos to acknowledge Panta Rhei. Of course the size of the pictures can be reduced depending on their use.