Guidelines for posting a comment
- Comments can be posted by occasional users or registered users.
- Comments by occasional users need to be approved before publication.
- Comments by registered users go on-line immediately (with the exception of the first comment as a registered user which will need to be approved anyway and therefore will not appear immediately).
- To register/log in please click on “Register”/”Login” in the menu that is placed in the right side of the blog page.
- Comments might be written either to reply to the main post or to reply to a previous comments. 5 sublevels of commenting are allowed.
- Users can vote each comment by clicking on the “thumb up” icon that is placed beneath each comment. Any IP can cast one vote only to each comment.
Guidelines related to the development of the discussion
- It is suggested to write concise comments. They are more effective to bring the message.
- The first round of comment will be summarised by the end of January 2012, when a new post will be open to shape the discussion around more specific questions. Further summaries will be drawn and posts open later on. The overall discussion should last until beginning of summer, 2012.