Evolving Water Resources Systems - Understanding, Predicting and Managing Water - Society Interactions
Oral presentations are organized into two parallel sessions scheduled in two lecture rooms given in the programme together with the time of presentation of each contribution including discussion and change over.
Time of presentation:
Standard - 15 min. (12 min. presentation including 3 min. for
questions, discussion and change over).
Solicited - 20 min. (15 min. presentation including 5 min. for
questions, discussion and change over).
Your presentation must be prepared in a 4:3
format in .ppt, .pptx or .pdf format.
Poster presentations are organized in poster sessions, and poster sessions belonging thematically to the same overall topic are organized in separate poster groups. Each session is scheduled on a specific day with a specific time.
Thereby, each session has a "Display Time" (determining the actual date of display) as well as an "Authors in Attendance Time" (determining the actual time of presentation). During each display day, several "Authors' in attendance" time-slots are foreseen (see detailed conference programme in PDF); upon registration, each presenting author will be provided with a paper post to be attached to the poster, in which to indicate the time slot/slots in which he/she will be reachable at his/her poster stand.
Poster size is 841 mm width X 1189 mm height (ISO A0) in portrait format.
All the material necessary for attaching the poster to the poster board is available at the Facility Desk in the poster area.
The number of each poster paper and of its corresponding poster board is given in the conference programme.
The general display time is from 8:30-19:00. Authors are kindly asked to put up their posters on the day where the specific poster session is scheduled as soon as possible (8:30-9:30, but not in the evening before the scheduled display day) in order to enable the conference participants to view their posters at any time within the display day, and to take them down between 19:00-19:30. After this time, the remaining posters will be disposed by the conference staff, i.e. posters will not be stored anymore.