Evolving Water Resources Systems - Understanding, Predicting and Managing Water - Society Interactions
09:30 Registration
11:00- 12:30 PARALLEL SESSIONS (Rooms A and G)
Theme 1 (Room A): Hydrological processes in a changing environment: Coping with uncertainties
11:00 | Modeling the shrub encroachment in a grasslands with a Cellular Automata (Red Book) D.Caracciolo, L. V. Noto, E. Istanbulluoglu |
11:15 | Land use impacts on stream ecosystems studied using Distributed Temperature Sensing (DTS) and hydrological modelling E. Boegh, G. Banta, K. Matheswaran, S. L. Nielsen, L. Seaby |
11:30 | Sediment matters in hydrological watersheds H. Aksoy font> |
11:45 | Exploring hydrological model sensitivity to change by automatic differentiation R. R. P. van Nooijen, A. G. Kolechkina |
12:00 | Assessment of design flood characteristics for ungauged permafrost basin O. Semenova, L. Lebedeva, A. Zhirkevich |
12:15 | Future projections of extreme precipitation using Advanced Weather Generator (AWE-GEN) over Peninsular Malaysia (Red Book) A.H. Syafrina, M.D. Zalina, L. Juneng |
Theme3 (Room G): Water resources: Monitoring, integrated assessment andmanagement
11:00 b> | Urban stormwater source control policies: why and how? (Red Book) G. Petrucci, J.-F. Deroubaix, B. Tassin |
11:15 | Utility of the Priestley-Taylor expression in estimating actual evapotranspiration from satellite Landsat ETM + data (Red Book) A. Khaldi, A. Khaldi, A. Hamimed |
11:30 | Hydrological modeling and data assimilation in water resources assessment A. Agnetti, M. Del Longo, S. Pecora, R. Vezzoli, E. Zenoni |
11:45 | Using SDP to optimize conjunctive use of surface and groundwater in China C. Davidsen, X. Mo, S. Liu, D. Rosbjerg, P. Bauer-Gottwein |
12:00 | Modeling irrigation behavior to inform management of integrated groundwater systems T. Foster, N. Brozović, A.P. Butler |
12:15 | Classical Karst hydrodynamics: a sheared aquifer within Italy and Slovenia (Red Book) L. Zini, C. Calligaris, E. Zavagno |
14:00- 15:30 PARALLEL SESSIONS (Rooms A and G)
Theme1 (Room A): Hydrological processes in a changing environment: Copingwith uncertainties
14:00 | Adige river in Trento, 1892: a first flood risk map? R. Ranzi |
14:15 | Identification of low-flow parameters using hydrological model in selected mountainous basins in Japan (Red Book) K. Fujimura, Y. Iseri, K. Kanae, M. Murakami |
14:30 | Climate change impact on flood hazard (Red Book) M. Brilly, K. Kavcic, M. Å raj, S. Rusjan, A. Vidmar |
14:45 | Water budget comparison of global climate models and experimental data in Onca Creek basin, Brazil (Red Book) D. C. D. Melo, I. S. P. Marin, E. Wendland |
15:00 | Where does blue water go in semi-arid area of northern China under changing environments? (Red Book) L. Ren, F. Yuan, B. Yong, S. Jiang, X. Yang, L. Gong, M. Ma, Y. Liu, H. Shen |
15:15 | Estimation of hydrological response of a small Mediterranean watershed to fire by data analysis and modelling approach (Red Book) L. Lebedeva, O. Semenova, N. Folton |
Theme3 (Room G): Water resources: Monitoring, integrated assessment andmanagement
14:00 | A prototype operational platform for water resources monitoring and early recognition of critical droughts in Switzerland (Red Book) M. Zappa, L. Bernhard, C. Spirig, M. Pfaundler, K. Stahl, S. Kruse, I. Seidl, M. Stähli |
14:15 | Monte Carlo forecast of groundwater level rise in Milano, Italy V. Francani, G. Formentin, L. Colombo |
14:30 | Establishing ecological and social continuities. New challenges to Optimize Urban Watershed Management (Red Book) V. Mitroi, A. De Coninck, B. Vincon-Leite, J.F. Deroubaix |
14:45 font> | Truth concealed behind "Zero Increase of Total Water Use" and coordination approach of socio-economic and eco-environmental water uses in the Weihe River Basin of China (Red Book) Y. Jia, N. Wei, C. Hao, J. You, C. Niu, Y. Qiu |
15:00 | A methodological framework for the expansion of multisource water supply systems J. Vieira, M. C. Cunha |
15:15 | Next stop: Implementation. Collaborative monitoring to inform adaptive policy-making and implementation (Red Book) L.M. Hermans, M. Haasnoot, J.H. Kwakkel |
16:00- 17:30 PARALLEL SESSIONS (Rooms A and G)
Theme1 (Room A): Hydrological processes in a changing environment: Copingwith uncertainties
16:00 | Water Management and Productivity in Planted Forests (Red Book) J . Nettles |
16:15 | Climate and socio-economic changes and their impacts on future water management at the regional scale. A case study in the dry inner-alpine zone of Switzerland E. Reynard, R. Weingartner, O. Graefe, H. Liniger, S. Rist, B. Schaedler, F. Schneider |
16:30 | Response of Tuzla Lake Ecosystem in Turkey to Irrigation and Climate Variability S. T. Azgin, D.Celik |
16:45 | A model of river bank deformations under simultaneous effect of the waves from hydropower plant and warming (Red Book) E. Debolskaya |
17:00 | Uncertainty in hydrological signatures I. K. Westerberg, H. K. McMillan |
17:15 | Hydrological simulations driven by RCM climate scenarios at the basin scale in the Po river in Italy (Red Book) R. Vezzoli, M. Del Longo, P. Mercogliano, M. Montesarchio, S. Pecora, F. Tonelli, A. Zollo |
Theme3 (Room G): Water resources: Monitoring, integrated assessment andmanagement
16:00 | Hydro-economic optimization under inflow uncertainty using the SDP_GAMS generalized optimization tool (Red Book) H. Macian-Sorribes, M. Pulido-Velazquez |
16:15 | CombiPrecip: Radar-raingauge combination in the alpine terrain of Switzerland I.V. Sideris, M. Gabella, M. Sassi, U. Germann |
16:30 | Assessing and managing irrigation water deficit in the Red-Thai Binh River Delta, Vietnam Q. Dinh, M. Micotti, R. Soncini-Sessa |
16:45 | Management of water quality in a catchment-lake ecosystem with the use of modelling of mitigation measures and climate change J. Hejzlar, M. Ctvrtlikova, J. Kopacek, M. Lapka ,O. Vojacek |
17:00 | Multi-criteria multi-stakeholder decision analysis using a fuzzy-stochastic approach for hydrosystem management (Red Book) Y.H.Subagadis, N.Schutze, J.Grundmann |
17:15 | Along-the-net reconstruction of hydropower potential with consideration of anthropic alterations (Red Book) A. Masoero, P. Claps, E. Gallo, D. Ganora, F. Laio |
18:00- 19:00 ROUND TABLE
08:30- 10:30 PARALLEL SESSIONS (Rooms A and G)
Theme2 (Room A): Floods, droughts and water risks in a changingsocio-hydrological context: Feedbacks between water resources andsocial systems
08:30 | Methodologies for hydraulic hazard mapping in alluvial fan areas (Red Book) L. Milanesi, M. Pilotti, R. Ranzi, G. Valerio |
08:45 | Changes in flood vulnerability, focused on private precautionary measures H. Kreibich |
09:00 | Multi-model hydrologic prediction and uncertainty analysis Shanhu Jiang (WITHDRAWN) |
09:15 | Changing Glacial Lakes and Associated Outburst Floods Risks in Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve, Indian Himalaya (Red Book) S. Mal, R. B.Singh |
09:30 | Past and future water demand under the combined impacts of anthropogenic and climatic changes: case study on two Mediterranean catchments B. Grouillet, J. Fabre, D. Ruelland, A. Dezetter |
09:45 | How is climate science being used to inform water resource plans? F. Dyer, L. Pearson, J. Christian-Smith |
10:00 | An Integrated Water Resources Management Strategy for Al-Ain City, UAE (Red Book) M. Mohamed |
10:15 | Socio-hydrology of water scarcity in the United States-Mexico borderlands C. A. Scott, S. J. Buechler |
Theme3 (Room G): Water resources: Monitoring, integrated assessment andmanagement
08:30 | Groundwater governance in Asia: Present state and barrier for implementation of a good governance (Red Book) T. Tanaka |
08:45 | Hydrogeochemical Characterization of Shallow Groundwater System in the Weathered Basement Aquifer of Ilesha Area, South-western Nigeria (Red Book) M.N Tijani, S.A. Oke, A.T. Olowookere |
09:00 | The effect of water supply uncertainty and policy change on integrated water resource systems A. Elshorbagy, E. Hassanzadeh, H. Wheater, P. Gober |
09:15 | Simulation of blue and green water resources in the Wei River basin, China (Red Book) Z. Xu, D. Zuo |
09:30 | Integrating Hydrology and Society Through the Concept of Ecological Infrastructure: An Inovative Approach to Water Resources Management in uMngeni Catchment, South Africa G. Jewitt |
09:45 | Evaluation of surface water dynamics for water-food security in seasonal wetlands, north-central Namibia (Red Book) T. Hiyama, T. Suzuki, M. Hanamura, H. Mizuochi, J. R. Kambatuku, J. N.Nniipele, Y. Fujioka, T. Ohta, M. Iijima |
10:00 | Hydrological studies in experimental and representative basins in Pernambuco state - Brazil (Red Book) S. M. G. L. Montenegro, B. B. da Silva, A. C. D. Antonino, J. R. S. Lima, E. S. de Souza, L. M. M. de Oliveira, A. E. S. S. de Moura, R. M. S. Souza |
10:15 | Marrying Hydrological Modelling and Integrated Assessment for the needs of Water Resource Management (Red Book) B. Croke, R. Blakers, S. El Sawah, B. Fu, J. Guillaume, R. Kelly, M. Patrick, A. Ross, J. Ticehurst, R. Barthel, A.J. Jakeman |
11:00- 13:00 KEYNOTE SESSION (Room A)
11:00 | The Role of Predictive Uncertainty in the Operational Management of Reservoirs (Red Book) E. Todini |
11:20 | Shortage and surplus of water in the socio-hydrological context (Red Book) A. Schumann, D. Nijssen |
11:40 | On conceptual models describing the interactions between hydro-techno-socio systems P. van der Zaag |
12:00 | Electricity vs Ecosystems - understanding and predicting hydropower impact on Swedish river flow (Red Book) B. Arheimer, G. Lindstrom |
12:20 | Governance, Learning and Complexity in Water Systems T. P. Evans |
12:40 | Urban water in transition: Optimal pricing, supply augmentation and consumer welfare R. Q. Grafton |
14:00- 15:15 PARALLEL SESSIONS (Rooms A and G)
Theme2 (Room A): Floods, droughts and water risks in a changingsocio-hydrological context: Feedbacks between water resources andsocial systems
14:00 | Irrigation beneficiary selection through Analytical Hierarchy Process H. Lafontaine, R. Balasubramaniam, T. Bolisetti |
14:15 | Upping the social in socio-hydrology T. Krueger, A. Bruns |
14:30 | Conceptual analysis of water scarcity: towards an integrated approach crossing hydrology and social sciences M. Milano, A. Buchs |
14:45 | The ensemble scenarios projecting runoff changes in the large Russian river basins in the 21st century (Red Book) A. Georgiadi, N.I. Koronkevich, I.P. Milyukova, E.A. Barabanova td> |
15:00 | Developing tools to link environmental flows science and its practice in Sri Lanka (Red Book) N. Eriyagama, K. Jinapala |
Theme3 (Room G): Water resources: Monitoring, integrated assessment andmanagement
14:00 | The impact of poor governance on water and sediment quality: A case study in the Pitimbu River, Brazil font>(Red Book) L.F.F. Moreira, J.F. Adamowski, S. Gaskin, A. Saraiva |
14:15 | Monitoring surface water velocity using a camera: a case study on the Tiber River F. Tauro, M. Porfiri, A. Petroselli, G. Olivieri, S. Grimaldi |
14:30 | Impacts of the dryness on water quality: case of some aquifers of east Algerian (Red Book) L. Djabri, S. Bouhsina, A . Hani, A. Pulido Bosch, J. Mudry, M.C Djouamaa |
14:45 | Local Decision-making for Adaptation to the Urban Heat Island: Governance Responses to Climate Change in the U.S. Southwest S. J. Buechler, C. A. Scott |
15:00 | Developing a dynamic framework to examine the interplay between environmental stress, stakeholder participation processes and hydrological systems (Red Book) G. Carr, G. Bloeschl, D.P. Loucks |
16:00- 19:00 FIELD TRIP (either HYDRAULIC or CULTURAL)
20:00- 23:00 GALA DINNER atCircolo degli Ufficiali, Palazzo Grassi, Via Marsala 12, Bologna
08:30- 10:00 PARALLEL SESSIONS (Rooms A and G)
Theme2 (Room A): Floods, droughts and water risks in a changingsocio-hydrological context: Feedbacks between water resources andsocial systems
08:30 | Analysis of flash flood scenarios in an urbanized catchment using a 2D hydraulic model (Red Book) F. Dottori, F. Grazzini, M. Di Lorenzo, A. Spisni, F. Tomei |
08:45 | Individuation of rainfall triggering damaging hydrogeological events: a methodological approach applied to Calabria (Italy) (Red Book) L. Aceto, O. Petrucci |
09:00 | Panta Rhei and the Hydrological Dilettante G. Jewitt, S. Uhlenbrook |
09:15 | Floods hazards maps in Matucana Village under climate change scenarios (Red Book) font> J. W. Cabrera, L. F. C. Navarro |
09:30 | Assessing risks for integrated water resource management: coping with uncertainty and the human factor (Red Book) M. J. Polo, C. Aguilar, A. Millares, J. Herrero, R. Gómez-Beas, E. Contreras, M.A. Losada |
09:45 | Feedback between societal change and hydrological response in Wadi Natuf, a karstic mountainious watershed in the occupied Palestinian Westbank (Red Book) C. Messerschmid |
Theme4 (Room G): Hydro-economics and optimization of water resourcessystems: changing boundary conditions, targets and criteria of watermanagement
08:30 | Indicators for consumers' willingness to pay to improve water supply services in Kazakhstan K. Tussupova, R. Berndtsson, T. Bramryd |
08:45 | Genetic Algorithms Optimization of Hedging Rules for Operation of the multi-purpose Ubonratana reservoir in Thailand (Red Book) C. Chiamsathit, A. J. Adeloye, S. Bankaru-Swamy |
09:00 | Environmental equity as a criterion for water management (Red Book) M. Grande, C. Galvao, L. Miranda, I. Rufino |
09:15 | Model to assess the impacts of external drivers on the hydrology of the Ganges River Basin (Red Book) L. Muthuwatta, A. Sood, B. Sharma |
09:30 | Investigation of Sustainable Development Potential for Ulubey Aquifer System, Turkey (Red Book) U. Burcu, H. Yazicigil |
09:45 | Resiliency Assessment Model font> R. Ataoui (WITHDRAWN) |
10:30- 12:00 PARALLEL SESSIONS (Rooms A and G)
Theme2 (Room A): Floods, droughts and water risks in a changingsocio-hydrological context: Feedbacks between water resources andsocial systems
10:30 | Human managed landscapes in transformation: potential water resource boundaries in a semiarid agricultural catchment of Burkina Faso J. Barron, H.M. Cambridge |
10:45 | The Interplay between Human Population Dynamics and Flooding in Bangladesh: A Spatial Analysis (Red Book) G. Di Baldassarre, K. Yan, R. Ferdous, L. Brandimarte |
11:00 | Understanding and improving water-society interactions under environmental change in a digital world C.J.A Macleod |
11:15 | Variability of irrigation water use in a data-scarce region of North India J. O'Keeffe, A. Mijic, N. Brozović, W. Buytaert |
11:30 | Optimal integrated management of groundwater resources and irrigated agriculture in arid coastal regions (Red Book) J. Grundmann, N. Schütze, V. Heck |
11:45 | Small watershed management as a tool of flood risk prevention (Red Book) J. Jakubinsky, R. Bacova, E. Svobodova, P. Kubicek, V. Herber |
Theme4 (Room G): Hydro-economics and optimization of water resourcessystems: changing boundary conditions, targets and criteria of watermanagement
10:30 | Strategic decision making under climate change: a case study on Lake Maggiore water system (Red Book) M. Micotti, R. Soncini Sessa, E. Weber |
10:45 | Green roof as a solution to solve stormwater management issues? Assessment on a long time period at the parcet scale (Red Book) P. A. Versini, G. Petrucci, B. De Gouvello |
11:00 | Probabilistic assessment of the rainwater harvesting potential of schools in South Africa (Red Book) font> J.G. Ndiritu, S. McCarthy, N. Tshirangwana |
11:15 | Economic impact assessment of river flood risk under current and future climate L.Carrera, G.Standardi, E .Koks, J.Mysiak, J.Aerts, F.Bosello |
11:30 | Trading off the costs and benefits of planned hydropower and irrigation investment in Kenya’s Tana Basin A.P. Hurford, J.J. Harou |
11:45 | Social and ecological aspects of the water resources management of the Transboundary Rivers of the Central Asia (Red Book) P. Normatov |
13:00- 13: 30 Conference Closure