Evolving Water Resources Systems - Understanding, Predicting and Managing Water - Society Interactions
· Contribution title (First author - this may be different from presenting author)
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Wednesday 4 June 2014
· Heat and dry island observed over Jakarta, Indonesia, in 2012 (H. Widyasamratri)
· Regional methods of hydrological computations for ungauged sites (V.A. Lobanov)
· Impact assessment on hydrologic conditions due to climate change over Asian regions (Moon-Hwan Lee)
· Analysis of flood downstream from the Nangbeto dam on the Mono River (Togo and Benin, West Africa) (E.E. Ago)
· Trends in extreme temperature and precipitation in Muscat, Oman (L. Gunawardhana)
· Methodology to determine a storm water flow to support decision-making: case of the Ben Chaabane region (Blida. Algeria) (B. Touaibia)
· Long term prediction of large rivers discharge based on helio-climatological data (Bakhram Nurtaev)
· Assessment of the intrinsic vulnerability of agricultural land to water and nitrogen losses: case studies in Italy and Greece (V.G. Aschonitis)
· Parametric uncertainty or hydrological changes? (F. Viola)
· Evaluation of the effects of underlying surface change on catchment hydrological response using the HEC-HMS model (C. Yao)
· A modeling framework to project future climate change impacts on streamflow variability and extremes in the West River basin, China (Fei Yuan)
· Reservoir siltation under a changing climate: a Mediterranean case study (G. Bussi)
· Variational Data Assimilation with YAO platform for hydrological forecasting (A. Abbaris)
· Climate change and its impacts on water resources in the Northwest China (CHEN Ya-ning)
· Climate change scenarios and its impact on water resources of Langtang Khola basin, Nepal (T. R. Adhikari)
· Arid zones Floods in the South Western Algeria: study and protection with insufficient data (F. DERNOUNI)"
· Hydrological Simulation of Future Climate Scenario of Ganga Basin using Dynamically Downscaled input from WRF model (S. P. Aggarwal)
· Modelling approach of the rainfall erosivity index in sub-humid urban areas in northern Algeria (I. Touaibia)
· New characteristics of the maximal runoff in abandoned charcoal quarries. Case study: Motru's piedmont in Romania (I. Haidu)
· Transformation of the tidal waves in the estuary of the Amur River (P. Sokolova)
· Probabilistic Runoff Simulations using Snow Cover Risk Maps in Middle Euphrates Basin, Turkey (G. Uysal)
· Estimation of Discharge in Rivers using neural network and multiple regression approaches. Case of the Algerian Coastal basin (AYOUB ZEROUAL)
· Determination of the homogeneous groups using different fuzzy logic systems (M. Golestani)
· Potential impacts of climatic variations on water availability and implications in water management in wetland dominated Andean environments (F. Soria)
· The investigation of the biocenose in the Karchaghbyur river biotope affected by the small hydropower plants (G. A. Gevorgyan)
· SASSCAL research activities to assess land and climate change impacts on water resources in Southern Africa (J. Helmschrot)
· The potential and limits of different snow products for spatio-temporal snow cover assessments in Mediterranean high-altitude environments (K. Sturm)
· Understanding and modelling hydrological dynamics for water resources management of the sub-arid Kara river basin (West Africa) (H.M. Badjana)
· Performance comparison of ANN and a conceptual model in estimating runoff: A case study in Pavanje catchment, Karnataka, India (Nimiya Baby)
· Analysis of the driving factors of the ecological health evolution in the Zhang weinan River Basin (JUANJUAN TAN)
· Modelling extreme stream-flows under non-stationary conditions in Ouémé river basin, Benin, West Africa (J. HOUNKPE)
· Vulnerability of two Mediterranean catchments to climatic and anthropogenic pressures - spatial and temporal evolution of water supply capacity over the past 40 years (J. Fabre)
· Data and model uncertainties in flood-frequency estimation for an urban Swedish catchment (I. K. Westerberg)
· Hydromorphological analysis of Sabarmati River (Hardik R)
· Determination of non-stationary of applied hydro-meteorological characteristics in Russia under modern climate change (V.A. Lobanov)
· Methods and software for planning and design in hydrology and water resources systems (V.A. Lobanov)
· Spatial Extension of Flood Event Data for Ungauged Small Watersheds (N.W. Kim)
· Regionalization of Flood Frequency using Hydrological Flood Simulations (N.W. Kim)
· Assessment of Bayesian method for accuracy improvement of real-time drought prediction (Kyung-Hwan Sohn)
· Main factors for developing the time of concentration formula in Korean urban area (Yong-Jae Kim)
· Impact assessment of temperature rise on glacier and melt-water fluctuation: Andean tropical glaciers, Bolivia (Y. Asaoka)
· Estimation of Water Resources Availability in High-Elevation Scarcely-Gauged Watersheds and Its Impact on Mini-Hydro. (Azmat Muhammad)
· Assessment of land use change on the streamflow using GIS, remote sensing and physically-based model (J. Y. G. dos Santos)
· Discrete wavelet transform coupled with ANN for daily discharge forecasting into Três Marias reservoir (C. A. G. Santos)
· Hydrological Parameter Analysis Based on Similarity Theory and 3S Technology (Shi Zheng)
· Modeling snowmelt stream with climate change effect in Juntanghu river basin , Xinjiang, China (Xianyong Meng)
· River-bed erosion due to changing boundary conditions: performance of a protective measure (Donatella Termini)
· Hydrodynamic characterization of soils within a representative watershed in Northeast of Brazil (E. G. Sales)
· Forty years of history of aridity in the Tensift Basin (Marrakech-Morocco) (Nour-Eddine LAFTOUHI)
Thursday 5 June 2014
· Risk management frameworks: supporting the next generation of Murray-Darling Basin water sharing plans (G.M. Podger)
· Hydrogeological characterization of peculiar Apenninic springs (F. Cervi)
· Hydrogeochemistry of some Selected Springs waters in Ekiti Basement Complex Area, Southwestern Nigeria (A. Talabi)
· Three methods comparison for recover the missing hydrometric record (E. S. Camacho)
· Considering long term sedimentation for reservoir operation: Foum el Kherza (Biskra, Algeria) (F. Z. Tebbi)
· Runoff production on hill slopes under conservation practices - A micro level study (K K Satapathy)
· Oxidation and decontamination of secondary effluents by infiltration percolation process (BALI Mahmoud)
· The Problem of Storage of Surface Water in Arid Regions Case Garagar Dam (Algeria) (H. Benfetta)
· The assessment of heavy rains in the region of Annaba (NE Algeria) to improve extreme flood forecasting. Use of Depth-Duration-Frequency curves. (L. Beloulou)
· Influence of climatic factors and the overexploitation of aquifers on the equilibrium of the freshwater and saltwater interface: case of Annaba region (north-east of Algeria) (Guezgouz N.)
· The investigation of sediment processes in rivers by means of the Acoustic Doppler Profiler (M. Guerrero)
· Contribution of hydrochemistry to the characterization and assessment of the water resources: The case of Tebessa Alluvial Aquifer (ALGERIA). (N. Sedrati)
· Analysis of drought characteristics for improved understanding of a water resource system (A.T. Lennard)
· Coupling hydrology, geochemistry and hydrodynamic towards rational management of discontinuous aquifers. Application to the Ursuya massif (Basque Country, France) (J. Jaunat)
· The origins of water-sources in the region of Annaba: confirmation by the isotopic tools (L. Ghrieb)
· Modeling hydraulic regime and water quality of Sebou river (Morocco): Understanding interactions for a better management (M. Igouzal)
· Operational Hydrologic/Reservoir Application with EPS Driven Inflow Forecasts (G. Uysal)
· Phenomenon of denitrification associated with the mobility of chromium and tin case of Meboudja plain (N. Bougherira)
· Groundwater Contaminant Transport 1-D FDM Approach (A. Landage)
· Use of treated Waste water for the development of drylands-possible hazards (Douglas Kwame Fobi)
· Making management decisions on environment protection based on the assessment of a danger level of subsurface contamination (Ognianik N.S.)
· Geostatistical modeling of nitrate pollution of groundwater in the Mitidja (D. Djoudar Hallal)
· Study of surface water quality in the Wadi El Harrach for its use in the artificial groundwater recharge of the Mitidja (North Algeria) (M. Meddi)
· Evaluation of Climate Change Impact on Blue Nile Basin Cascade Reservoir operation (Case Study of proposed reservoirs on the Main Blue Nile River Basin, Ethiopia) (Demelash Wondimagegnehu)
· Water quality in Mining Basin - Gafsa Tunisia (A. Elaoud)
· Evaluation on Sustainable Groundwater Resources in Feng-Lin Area by Conjunctive Use with Surface Water in the Whole Basin (Shaohua Marko Hsu )
· Streamflow depletion by well using the program Glover (P. Scarpelli)
· Towards a specific definition of alpine water uses for accurate quantification (M. Calianno)
· A review of impact studies of hydraulic fracturing on water resources (G. Sisca)
· Geophysical investigation of the fresh-saline water interface in the Coastal area of Abergwyngregyn (I. Obikoya)
· Hydrogeological modeling of a fractured aquifer (F. Petronici)
· Dissolved Oxygen modelling using Artificial Neural Networks (Silva. S. R.)
· Efficacy of Communication in Water Resource Management and Sustainability (I. Obikoya)
· MaWaR (Management of Water Resources): a Simulation Game Focused on Drought Management (M. Martínková)
· Natural Capital Accounting for Water: Measuring and mapping water quality accounts, evidence from small island developing Caribbean states. (N. Tang Kai )
· Sensitivity of simulated groundwater recharge to multiple projections of climate change and scenarios of groundwater abstraction (L. Seaby)
· Management of water quality in a catchment-lake ecosystem with the use of modelling of mitigation measures and climate change (J. Hejzlar)
· Electrical conductivity monitoring in a Mediterranean river system: the case of the Llobregat River basin (J. Farguell)
· Adapting to Climate Change: Water distribution in BBA City: Algeria (AYOUB ZEROUAL)
· An introduction to the database supported Distributed Hydrological modeling Tool: EasyDHM version 2.0 (Weihong Liao)
· Groundwater resources in Moroccan oasis: challenges and opportunities (A. Fekri)
· Hydrological processes modeling using advanced hydroinformatic tools (E. Beilicci)
· Application of isotope Techniques in Verifying Groundwater Recharge Processes in Bulacan Province, Philippines (Soledad Castañeda)
· Impact of Climate Change on Evaluation of Future Water Demand in the Euphrates and Aleppo basin, Syria (A. Alazzy)
· Improved DRASTIC model and its applying for the assessment of phreatic groundwater vulnerability (J. Hao)
· Characterisation of the main karst aquifers of the Tezbent Plateau, Tebessa region, northeast of Algeria, using a hydrogeochemical approach (Chemseddine Fehdi)
· Using Pyomo for Optimizing Groundwater Reservoir Operation in Tailan River Basin, China (WAN Xin-Yu)
· Characterization of sub-daily rainfall properties in three rainfall gauges located in Northeast of Brazil (J. V. Coutinho)
· Research on the Comprehensive Effect of Ecological Regulation (J. You)
· New monitoring technique for rapid investigation of nitrates pollution in aquatic system (M. C. Trifu)
· Assessing basin heterogeneities for rainfall-runoff modelling of the Okavango River and its transboundary management (V. Baumberg)
· Establishing Strategies for Sustainable Groundwater Management Plan for Typical Granitic Aquifers-A Pilot Study near Hyderabad, India (P. Madhnure)
Friday 6 June 2014
· Remediated Urbanism. How to make an environmentally and socially responsive waterfront through the minimization and remediation of contaminated stormwater. (Matthew Bradbury)
· Trade-off Decision Making in IWRM: Water for Economic, Social and Environmental Outcomes (I.C. Overton)
· An L-moment approach to assess changes in regional flood frequency distributions in Austria (J. L. Salinas)
· Regional prediction of basin-scale brown trout habitat suitability (S. Ceola)
· Analysis of the impact of gravel mining activities on the flood flow profile of the Po River (E. Selli)
· Application of the TOPKAPI model to Santerno and Senio catchments (S. Persiano)
· Comparative application of HyMOD and HBV rainfall-runoff models to two Italian catchments (F. Minzi)
· Generation of synthetic river flow data by using stochastic models (L. Cacciamani)
· Assessment of the impact of hypothetical extreme floods in the Secchia River (Italy) (P. Leoni)
· Is the frequency of severe rainstorms increasing in Emilia-Romagna (Italy)? (L. Ruggeri)
· On the flood risk evolution along the Po River: simplified tools for a large scale and temporal analysis (F. Carisi)
· Quantifying the effects of storage thresholds on step changes in the flood frequency curve (M. Rogger)
· May flood-poor periods be more dangerous than flood-rich periods? (A. Viglione)
· Socio-economic Effect on Socially Deprived Communities by Developing Drinking Water Quality Problems in Arid and Semi-arid Area of Central Rajasthan (I. Husain)
· Water Resources Management: A Traditional Technology and Communities are parts of Solution (J. Hussain)
· A probabilistic model for predicting seasonal rainfall in semi-arid lands of Northeast Brazil (B. da Silva)
· Water, a limiting factor for economic development in the Kandi region of Jammu, India: novel way to mitigate the problem for food security (U. C. Sharma)
· Water use and Sustainable Social-economic Development of Yulin city in Northwest China (W. Xiao-jun)
· Leadership enhancement of CBOs and their role in water sector capacity development in rural areas in Palestine. (Samhan samhan)
· Evaluation of the best fit distribution for partial duration series of daily rainfall in Madinah, West of Saudi Arabia (Fahad Alahmadi )
· On the use of DPSIR model to two basins in the Northern of Algeria. Socio-economic pressions (A. Hani)
· Effects of minor drainage networks on flood hazard evaluation (A. Domeneghetti)
· Panta Rhei: an evolving scientific decade with a focus on water systems (A. Montanari)
· Understanding the dynamics of an agricultural community under water stress: The socio-hydrological system of the Ancient Maya (L. Kuil)
· An assessment of future surface water levels of the Lake Chad and consequences on livelihoods (M. B. Ngamdu)
· Does the Demand Responsive Approach (DRA) in Ghanas rural water delivery ensure improved functionality and equitability in a sustainable manner? (D. D. Sedegah)
· Impact of human activities on groundwater quality Case of Tebessa area; NE Algeria (F. Baali)
· Evaluation of the vulnerability from the methods DRASTIC and SYNTACS: Case study of the tablecloth Bazer GueltZerga (Algerian North East) (H. Bendadouche)
· Evaluation of Quantitative Precipitation Criterion (QPC) derivation for mountainous flash flood (Deg-Hyo Bae )
· Evaluation of urban flash flood forecast using flow nomograph & radar rainfall (J. B. Kim)
· Analysis of drought characteristics using the bivariate joint drought index (Jae-Min So)
· Do subtle eco-hydrological human abilities have a place in water resources planning? (J.G. Ndiritu)
· Water Risks Assessment in China Based on the Improved Water Risk Filter (G. Hong)
· Study on Water Risk Assessment in River Basin of China Based on WWF Water Risk Assessment Tools (N. Wei)
· Optimization In Searching Daily Rule Curve At Mosul Regulating Reservoir, North Iraq Using Genetic Algorithms (T. M. Al-Taiee)
· Impact of hydraulic works on the balance of the ecosystem of the Oued Seybouse (NE of Algeria) (S. Habes)
· Optimal hydropower plant operation: A case study in Red River basin in Vietnam (R. Soncini Sessa)
· Le commerce deau virtuelle : cas de la Tunisie (Ismail Yosra)
· Reservoirs performances under climate variability: A case study (A. Longobardi)
· Using ecosystem services to manage water resources for greatest societal benefit (N.D. Crossman)
· Research on mechanism of bilateral interaction between natural water cycle and socio-economic development by coupling CGE and WEP (C. Hao)
· Study on the Water Resources Efficiency in China from the Economic Perspective (X. Ding)