Thank you to all participants!
See the pictures here
See the video of the invited presentations here
See the video of the Peter Loucks Lecture here
The web-based discussion on the Vision Scientific Paper is here. Please comment!!!
Bologna IAHS 2014 is just over. More than 200 people from more than 30 countries and all the continents delivered exciting presentations and stimulated vibrant discussions. I am pleased to say that I found this meeting exciting, for the enthusiasm of the attendants and the relevance of the scientific contributions.
I would like to thank all the participants, the supporting organisations, and the Staff of the Centro Universitario di Bertinoro. Special thanks are due to the members of the organizing committee who took care of any fine detail: Emanuele Baratti, Francesca Carisi, Attilio Castellarin, Serena Ceola, Alessio Domeneghetti and Alessio Pugliese were everywhere and anytime, and provided an outstanding scientific assessment of the contributions while editing the Red Book.
We will make available selected pictures of the conference very soon!
The appointment is fixed for the next edition of the International Symposium on Water Resources Management, that is programme in Bochum (Germany) in May 2016. Once again, many and many thanks to all the participants!

Group picture during the hydraulic field trip at the Chiusa di Casalecchio

The opening Ceremony of the Conference. From Left to right: Guenter Bloeschl, President of EGU - Hubert Savenije, President of IAHS - Alberto Montanari, Conference Organiser - Emilio Ferrari, Deputy Rector of the University of Bologna - Francesco Ubertini, Director of the Department DICAM of the University of Bologna
The International Symposium on Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) is a regular symposia organized by the International Commission on Water Resources Systems (ICWRS) of IAHS. The 6th Edition is co-organised with EGU and will focus on the topic Evolving Water Resources Systems- Understanding, Predicting and Managing Water-Society Interactions.
The conference aims to bring together experts from different countries and expertises in a stimulating environment to present research ideas and results to bring hydrology into the future by reaching an improved connection with society. Therefore, the conference will represent a key step to provide a first summary of the relevant research activity that is being carried out on the theme of hydrology and society and will be an opportunity to discuss the next editorial activities planned on the subject.

The hydropwer plant of the Aswan Dam
The conference is framed within the Panta Rhei research initiative of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences and will constitute an important benchmark for water resources management during the Scientific Decade 2013-2022.
The symposium will focus on water resources assessment and management in a changing environment and therefore will particularly concentrate on the two ways interaction between water and society. Water resources systems, catchment hydrology, eco-hydrology, groundwater hydrology, water security and socio-hydrology will be the driving themes.
The conference will host the first Peter Loucks Lecture, a distinguished presentation given by a renowned scientist on water reources management. The Lecture is promoted by the International Commission on Water Resources Systems of IAHS. The first lecturer will be Peter Loucks himself, who will deliver the lecture during June 5, in Bologna.
Invited (and confirmed) speakers at the conference will be: Peter Loucks (Cornell University - USA), Tom Evans (Indiana University - USA), Quentin Grafton (Australian National University), Andreas Schumann (Ruhr-University Bochum - Germany), Ezio Todini (University of Bologna - Italy) and Pieter van der Zaag (UNESCO-IHE - The Netherlands).
Download the 1st conference flyer
Conference proceedings will be published in an IAHS Red Book (ISI indexed) that will be issued before the symposium.
- Hydrological processes in a changing environment:
Coping with uncertainties
- Floods, droughts and water risks in a changing socio-hydrological context:
Feedbacks between water resources and social systems
- Water resources:
Monitoring, integrated assessment and management
- Optimization of water resources systems:
Changing boundary conditions, targets and criteria of water management